SOLD TRK chips (1 Viewer)

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Full House
Supporter Plus
Aug 8, 2016
Reaction score
Rating - 100%
233   0   0
100 - RB (Rainbow Bar) placerville, ca - used - $100 - Sold
109 - 5c - B<>A (Harrison’s card room) San Diego, CA - used - $125
83 - 25c Rusty’s - Bishop, CA - NEW - $320 - fantastic looking chip! - Sold
100 - EKKY - Equipoise Club - Sacramento, CA - $125 - almost new - Sold

All prices include shipping in CONUS. PM me if interested.

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They must be good, as the already sold.
Correct. I received flipitchip on before anyone else’s. I am sorry for any confusion.
He could have posted here first which is what we all do. I usually don't do this but I call bullshit.
They weren't even for me but for Jackstraw
Leo882 says: “How so? I posted first. Thats how we determine order.” My post said PM me if interested.

As a seller, I am unaware of the I posted first that’s how we determine order rule. Can someone uninvolved in the transaction advise on this?

Unless specified otherwise, first to contact gets first priority. Doesn’t matter if it’s a post or a PM. You did specify PM, so there’s definitely no reason a buyer would need to post in the thread at all.
If it matters, I received the pm from flipupchip before I received the notification from leo822.
I must admit I generally will send the pm first and don’t always post in the thread. I’d agree though that the first pm or post gets it.

I mostly do this since people often post in the thread when I sell and end up backing out.
@Perthmike - I agree with you on the backing out for people who reply. Also, the buyer may simply not desire to be known. I try never to disclose who bought what from me or what they paid. That is their privelidge, not mine.

In this case, first contact was by pm, and that person was awarded the chips. The second person posted to the board and was late.
Do you care to post a screenshot of his PM? If I am wrong I apologize for calling bullshit.

It is infinitely faster to post in the thread you are reading I will take them than to private message. That's why most people post "I'll take them..PM coming"
For a dibs sale, I always use the timestamp on either the PM or post. If it's the exact same time, then it's first-in whether both are PMs or posts. If it's exact same time and one of each, I go by the alert order. Never any question who was first.
Here is the PM - note 9:22pm - 48 minutes is 8:34pm. 9:22pm is from my phone. Unfortunately, I don’t have a way to resolve the pm to the exact wall clock time, but I received and processed the pm first.


Here is the notice flow. Note the motification from leo822 is at 8:35pm. Hopefully we can call this resolved.

Now I feel like a dick. Nevermind John..they are your chips to sell as and how you please. Who am I to question your integrity.


Well done, sir. Sometimes we can get caught up in the excitement - and disappointment - when desired chips.quickly appear and disappear.
No sure what happened to my most recent reply. In any case leo822, apology accepted, and all is forgiven and good on my end.

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