SOLD TRK Deadwood Sample Set - Complete Set (1 Viewer)

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Aug 12, 2013
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TRK Deadwood Sample Set - Complete Set

$65 including USPS shipping in the United States only.

Payment via Paypal (friends/family or you pay fees). Respond here and PM if you're interested.

Thanks for looking!

Two minutes, that took longer than I thought! Congrats @bluegill on a great set. These are some of the finest chips ever made and it's a J5 design (which helps make it great). Together they represent the best of TR King and @Johnny5.
Two minutes, that took longer than I thought! Congrats @bluegill on a great set. These are some of the finest chips ever made and it's a J5 design (which helps make it great). Together they represent the best of TR King and @Johnny5.
I'd love to hear more about that because in my noob opinion, they seem a little boring. What am I missing?
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I'd love to hear more about that because in my noob opinion, they seem a little boring. What am I missing?

First, welcome to the hobby. It's the opinion of many, myself included, that TR King made the greatest chips. It's not just one thing but a combination of the color palette, the molds (this one is a small crown aka scrown) and the feel of the chips. Some of the most iconic Vegas chips were made by TR King. Put all of this together and you have something really special.

Johnny5 is an incredibly talented and much sought after commercial and private artist. We know his work through our favorite medium, poker chips. The Deadwoods are some of his greatest work, in my opinion. That image of Wild Bill Hickok on those buttery and vibrant chips is all that and a bag of chips. (See what I did there?)

Have you handled and TR Kings yet? They have to be handled to be appreciated.

Hope this was helpful!
It was, thanks.
I've seen some TRKings that have totally blown me away, and I want to start buying up all of those too.
So I hear you. No, I haven't handled any yet, but I look forward to to it.
Have you handled and TR Kings yet? They have to be handled to be appreciated.
I've seen some TRKings that have totally blown me away, and I want to start buying up all of those too.
So I hear you. No, I haven't handled any yet, but I look forward to to it.
If you like your current lifestyle and have respect for your wallet, never never ever ever get your hands on a full rack of mint TRK casino chips. Ever. Instant death for the finances. It is THE rabbit hole of all rabbit holes. Hard to find, expensive, and totally irresistible. Save yourself, just say no.

People sometimes call me a chip crack dealer, because I occasionally peddle chips and chip-related goodies that some find rather addictive. PAZ, however, is the chip equivalent of the Colombian and Mexican cartels combined. In a totally good way, of course. :) But he will change your life.
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