Not Mine TRK Kings Crown solids 500 chips (500$ offer not accepted) (1 Viewer)

Marius L

4 of a Kind
Oct 23, 2015
Reaction score
Oslo, Norway
Found a set of TRK kings crown solid inlayed chips on Craigslist, Orange county, CA. LINK

Contacted the seller to see if he was selling for silly cheap or not (offered 100$ lol), but he said the highest offer he currently had gotten (and not accepted yet) was 500$. I'm not all into TRK worth, but I'm sure these are still a value pick-up even at higher than this, so if anyone is interested feel free to contact the seller.

The chips look to be in good shape in the pics. Not sure about the breakdown but looks like something like this with a few missing here and there.
1 150
5 150
25 100
100 50
500 50
5000 5

trk kings crown solids 2.jpg

trk kings crown solids 3-jpg.jpg
I made an offer on these before. May toss another one in for shits. Lol.

Note to any prospective sellers, for SEO purposes, if you are selling poker chips, please put the word "chips" in the listing. :p
At least some of those are original Kings Crown chips that were sold and relabled to Sharkey's. There was zero chance they would go for $1 per chip and will probably go for WAY MORE than that. If I lived in the area, I would offer $3 per chip and would not be surprised if he said no.

I agree if he knows what they are they will go higher. No harm in trying a lowball offer first though..
I actually have (3) Kings Crown chips. (2) are a blue color; display $1000 on one side and $5000 on the other. Obviously, they are an error. I was told by someone that these Kings Crown were actually a home set, not from an actual casino. I don't know, though.

There are more varieties than this ^^^.

For one, the delicious tri-moon $5, one of my favorite chips (that I miss very much).
I'm guessing the CL chips are all from the 2004 productions. The $1 chip the only chip that could be confused between casino and fantasy and based on the other chips in the lot, I'd say its a fantasy reproduction. I'd offer around $2 a chip and not much more. This particular set is missing some of the TRK colors that would get a higher offer from me (Fire, Lt. Turquoise). Still, they're TRKs and would definitely scratch the itch for a chipper out there. (y) :thumbsup:
There are more varieties than this ^^^.

For one, the delicious tri-moon $5, one of my favorite chips (that I miss very much).

Mel is correct, there are a lot of variations of the non-casino KCs (we haven't even talked about the hot stamped versions yet :eek:). Basically, if the chips you're looking at don't match the "Genuine Chips" group from the image above, you're likely dealing with a fantasy chip. Some of which are better than the real thing, like tri-moon fiver Mel mentioned.
King's Crown was the stock inlay Dennis used for (at least) the last few years of production. These were available on the TRK website as recently as 2006.
FYI I made an offer of $750. The seller sent me an email last night saying I was the high bidder up until "the end" when someone from PA bid $850. He stated to make everyone safe in the transaction he decided to list them on eBay....for $1,000. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth because I suspect he realized they were possibly worth more than he thought, but like we always say they are his chips so he can do what he pleases.
King's Crown was the stock inlay Dennis used for (at least) the last few years of production. These were available on the TRK website as recently as 2006.
This is correct. And Dennis made many other permutations thereof. FYI, the "error" chips were actually samples that he made, and he intentionally didn't use the same inlay on both sides. I have some that have entirely different inlays on the reverse, including some remaindered Trop inlays and others. A bit naughty of him, but waste not, want not.
FYI I made an offer of $750. The seller sent me an email last night saying I was the high bidder up until "the end" when someone from PA bid $850. He stated to make everyone safe in the transaction he decided to list them on eBay....for $1,000. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth because I suspect he realized they were possibly worth more than he thought, but like we always say they are his chips so he can do what he pleases.
A PA chipper offered $850? Interested in who that was. I'm from PA and I offered $600, with absolutely no intention of going higher. He said someone in MI (presumably you) offered $750. I wished him good luck and he responded that he was in no rush to sell and was going to wait it out. I'm not bidding in the auction, so please feel free. At least it's less risky now that it's on eBay.
I live in SoCal and peruse craigslist for this area only at times. I saw this listing ^^ and also another one from Orange County, CA listed as
"54" 3 in 1 Game Table: Bumper Pool, Poker Table, Dining Antique Walnut" (link is now down as I'm assuming they removed it)

There were 2 sets of chips in the table listing, and from the couple of pics of the chips, I could see these were TRKs. I emailed about these chips stating I'd be more interested in them than the table, and they said they were sold. Interestingly, the person who bought them (seller who now has them), relisted on CL using the same pics, and I could tell they were the same, but he was listing like they were his "I've only played with them a couple times..."

I'd bet he got them for pretty damn cheap, and now is realizing they are worth much more (as proposed above). But, to the victor go the spoils...
I could see these were TRKs. I emailed about these chips stating I'd be more interested in them than the table, and they said they were sold. ...

IMHO, although it does not appear to have impacted your failed attempt in this case, the above was a miscue. NEVER refuse the main item and draw attention to the treasure. Bite the bullet, take it all, and sell off the unwanted item. Sure, you might lose a few dollars on the unwanted item, but if you think you'll still come out ahead with the treasure, just pull the trigger. Assuming you have the funds and the means to get the unwanted item home. Heck, when I bought the oak pedestal base for my table, the guy said, just come buy, leave the money in the fridge (which was on the porch and running:confused:) and take the table and chairs, $50. I did as he said, but left the chairs. Didn't need them ;) I texted him before I left though and he was happy enough. The point is, I didn't tell him ahead of time that I only wanted the table. No need to draw attention to the table.
IMHO, although it does not appear to have impacted your failed attempt in this case, the above was a miscue. NEVER refuse the main item and draw attention to the treasure. Bite the bullet, take it all, and sell off the unwanted item. Sure, you might lose a few dollars on the unwanted item, but if you think you'll still come out ahead with the treasure, just pull the trigger. Assuming you have the funds and the means to get the unwanted item home. Heck, when I bought the oak pedestal base for my table, the guy said, just come buy, leave the money in the fridge (which was on the porch and running:confused:) and take the table and chairs, $50. I did as he said, but left the chairs. Didn't need them ;) I texted him before I left though and he was happy enough. The point is, I didn't tell him ahead of time that I only wanted the table. No need to draw attention to the table.

Good advice, I didn't make it that obvious in the actual email and was paraphrasing above, but I agree, better to just go for it all unless it's safe to pick and choose.
Simple questions are a fine line to be walked as well. Items with little description can sometimes be the best deals. Start asking questions and the seller starts Googling, then the price goes up! We all gamble at the table, sometimes we have to gamble on eBay and other sites.
Very interesting discussion. So many cool variants of these apparently. What are the "counterfit" chips actually? I get the chips for the unopedned casino, and the newer fantasy chips. All chips made by trk, right?
I'm fairly certain that the colors in the authentic inlay are different for the crown -- more colors used.

I still wish I had bought more hotstamps when they were .50 cents each for solids.

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