For Sale Tropicana, Stardust, Riviera Scrown/Cap-Dash Racks (1 Viewer)


Two Pair
Jan 12, 2023
Reaction score
Victoria, BC
Rating - 100%
4   0   0
Extra racks of brand new and un-felted Cap-Dash (Scrown) mold chips from Tina (an off-site direct group buy). They're awesome chips, on an exclusive old-school mold, and they stack and feel great. In my opinion they're comparable if not better than web mold. $75 USD/rack + shipping. PayPal FF.



I'm curious, when you say an "exclusive old school mold" does that mean they bought the rights to the small crown mold?
Sorry, not trying to be nosy, but who’s the ex member? Is he/she an ex member by choice? Or did he/she do something unethical to get banned? In which case, it could make getting more of these harder?
Sorry, not trying to be nosy, but who’s the ex member? Is he/she an ex member by choice? Or did he/she do something unethical to get banned? In which case, it could make getting more of these harder?

I don't know the details as to why, and I don't want to speculate, but I don't think it was anything unethical. Just political. Will send you a PM - shouldn't be an issue getting more in the future.

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