Wanted UK based seller (1 Viewer)

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Two Pair
Nov 29, 2018
Reaction score
Hey, I'm looking for a UK based seller of some good cash game set chips. I've did my research and shipping/custom charges are pretty shocking, something id like to avoid if possible. Ideally I'm looking for Paulson's so if there are any UK based pcf members selling these that would be ideal. Failing that I'll just need to suck up the cost of shipping plus custom charges!
My idea of happiness would be to be able to just drive to CPC's UK seat in England, to pick up my custom (or, off-the-shelf) CPC chips:D
Keep an eye on eBay too. A handful of times a year a set comes up. Few and far between they work out as substantially cheaper than paying vat and postage, in my experience.

Good luck on your quest!
Keep in mind though some larger premium sets of Paulsons etc, a UK/ EU seller may incorporate tax and previous shipping costs into the price anyway. Any firm ideas of what your looking for and what your budget is? Welcome to the site!
Keep in mind though some larger premium sets of Paulsons etc, a UK/ EU seller may incorporate tax and previous shipping costs into the price anyway. Any firm ideas of what your looking for and what your budget is? Welcome to the site!
I'm looking for between 300-500 Paulson's that MUST have the denominations on them of .25/1/5 and maybe 25 for our 25p/50p cash games, my budget is around the £500 mark, cheers
£500 is a solid budget. You can probably get 400 Monacos for £430 based on my crude math, unless the £ keeps collapsing as it has in the last week :vomit:. That would be ~£0.75 a chip, £60 shipping then the rest as tax. You won't find a cheaper complete set of GPI's in one place!
I'm looking for between 300-500 Paulson's that MUST have the denominations on them of .25/1/5 and maybe 25 for our 25p/50p cash games, my budget is around the £500 mark, cheers

Your problem is going to be the .25 denom, unless you are willing to relabel, but that of course adds extra cost.

Hope you can find something!
£500 is a solid budget. You can probably get 400 Monacos for £430 based on my crude math, unless the £ keeps collapsing as it has in the last week :vomit:. That would be ~£0.75 a chip, £60 shipping then the rest as tax. You won't find a cheaper complete set of GPI's in one place!
I've looked on Apache website it's $0.95 a chip so I'll probably just need to suck it up and pay shipping/custom charges unless I find a UK/EU seller
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