Canceled Used HHR with 7/8" labels - racks of whites, yellows - other colors too (1 Viewer)

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Jun 4, 2023
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I am looking for used HHR mold with 7/8 in labels well used (just at or past the point of not being able to stand on edge but not bike tires). Specifically:
  • 2 to 5 racks of white
  • barrel of black
  • 1 to 2 rack of yellows
  • 1 barrel of orange (or possibly much more...this is my limit workhorse)
  • Not actively looking for blues, but if you have something to show me I will consider.
I will pay 50c a chip. Alternatively, I have for trade sharp/minty/chalky HHR 7/8in label:
  • 2 racks of white
  • 2 racks of yellow
  • 1 rack of red
  • 1 rack of green (you can get another rack from ASM archive sale)
The minty ones are all Arlington Racecourse. White = $1, Yellow =$2, Red =$5, Green = $10. Beautiful as they are, so I am reluctant to remove labels, especially when their condition does not match the well used set I am using as a base.
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A picture is worth a thousand words. So you can see what I am working on an understand what I am asking for.


I traded for a the base "longhorn" set and I have supplemented with some other chips. Some long-horn labels are historic (and will remain untouched) and some are not historic (I plan on relabeling again to include denoms + longhorn). The goal for this set is to be able to run 2 tables of cash games with a spread of stakes (5c/5c up to $1/$2) plus limit games with 25c and $1 workhorses. My current thinking is black=5c, orange=25c, white=$1, yellow=$5, green=$20, red=$100, blue=(probably won't include).
  • I almost have 2 racks for black - a barrel will get me where I need to be.
  • I almost have 8 racks of orange - I need another barrel.
  • I am 1 rack short of the 8 racks of white I want and (unfortunately) the whites I have are a hodgepodge of shades - they look less uniform in real life than in photo. So, if you have multiple uniform color racks - please PM me!
  • The yellows are a great match in terms of color, but the green label Arlington Racecourse are minty while the longhorn are worn
  • I'm good on green, but the part of me that is OCD kind of wants another barrel.
  • I don't need red. 120 of $100 is more than plenty. And why am I using red as $100 and not $5? Because in real life the red and orange are too close in color that I don't want them on the table at same time.
  • Blues - meh. Don't really need. I might make a barrel of $500 just for completeness sake. But I'd have to mill my hot stamps for something I don't really need. If someone has a label-ready barrel, let me know.
These are the Arlington International Racecourse chips. I have 200 white, 200 yellow, 100 red, 100 green. There was another rack of green available via the ASM Archive sale, but that seem s to have been taken.

The ones I have are all super sharp with some racks appearing to have a bit of chalk on them still. They appear to me to be unused. I picked them up to add to the Longhorn set but these are so much mintier than the Longhorns.

i used to go to arlington racetrack for many years.... now it is being knocked down and perhaps the future home of the chicago bears ...very sad
I am still looking for racks of yellow and white as well as small numbers of black and orange.

If anyone has racks of blue or purple, I could go that direction and abandon the yellows.
The Arlington's are no longer part of the set (they went to someone who will value them as is without murder).

So, I need even more whites and yellows.
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