Canceled Used Paulsons for Used Paulsons (1 Viewer)

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Full House
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Aug 2, 2015
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Gold Canyon, Az.
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Just finished a trade with @Junior24xx, two blue racks of solid blue paulsons from my other thread for two racks of used white starburst. I wanted to see if anybody else might have some colors I need and might want to trade. All the chips im trading are decently used but stand on edge. Most have good edges but some will have nicks and a few will have a chip. Ultimately I want to mill these chips and label them so it doesnt matter what the hot stamp is or if its even worn off. I just need the chip to be in decent shape and stand on edge. I do not want any really good condition chips. I have red and grey starburst available, and the orange and blue chips from my previous post.
I would like to make a tourney set so could use some lighter greenx200, pinkx200, yellowx200, blackx200 and other colors too that I havent thought of. The only really worn hot stamps are the blues though the chips look awesome. The 50 cent orange and starburst still have decent hot stamps.For right now I want to keep the trading to the US but would consider Canada. The cost is just so much to ship. I can ship 500 chips for 11 bucks in US but even 200 chips will cost me close to 40 minimum anywhere else.
In the first pic cleaned chips are on the left and dirty ones are on right. Since I have so many I will have to clean the chips before we actually trade. I dont have time to clean 4000 chips right now.
Looking for the same mold as in the pictures.
I have to trade: blue, orange red and light grey.
I want black, pink, yellow lighter green and maybe another color you can think of.

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@Potsie1 I might be able to help also. are the grey's charcoal? or light gray? I remember getting some from you in the past. Im going to send you a private later on today.
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