For Sale Varsity Poker - CPC Sample Sets (limited qty) (1 Viewer)

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Full House
Mar 28, 2013
Reaction score
Rating - 100%
28   0   0
Hi all,
I ordered extra in a grand scheme to trade for other sample sets but have given that up and am just going to sell these to those that would like them.

The art was done by @Quicksilver-75 and they were a part of the latest Square in Circle mold run.

I have 20 total 4 chip sets available. No more will be offered... ever. $12.50 shipped in a padded envelope.

I only have 1 extra of the $100 chip pictured in my avatar as it was a last minute addition to the set and they were damn expensive. That chip will be added to one of the orders by some random picking process.

First 20 replies get them. Once the list is full I will mass PM everyone with my PayPal info. Ready... GO!



1) @Psypher1000
2) @Quicksilver-75
3) @BGinGA - Paid
4) @72o - Paid
5) @TheBigTater - Paid
6) @Pete - Pending
7) @Richard Cranium - Paid
8) @chipjoker - Paid
9) @Ben -Paid
10) @LabMonkey - Paid
11) @phaze12 - Paid
12) @Forty4 - Paid
13) @Trihonda - Paid
14) @Shaggy - Paid
15) @John Conor - Paid
16) @softchewy - Paid
17) @grantc54 - Paid
18) @suited67 - Paid
19) @RowdyRawhide - Paid
20) @SemiNumerical - Paid
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I'd buy that lone 100 chip from you.... I usually only get a single chip from everyone's samples :)
Yes please! Awesome set.

And don't pay attention to @MaxB ^^^^^. I NEED that hundo to showcase a 5 chip sample set properly in the display case. :D
I'd love a set. But agree that without the full 5 chip set, it's not going to look as attractive in my chip display cases.

To get the hundo, I'll start the bidding at $12 shipped, PLUS add 1.5x the cost of the hundo to produce.
I'm in ..

typed and posted without counting..o_O
Samples arrive and they are simply fantastic. Thanks for offering these Tom and if you ever come up with any extras $100's I'd love to fill in the set. (y) :thumbsup:
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