I picked up a cheap box of vintage Elks HHR chips knowing they were in rough shape. Does anyone know what causes this green staining/fouling, presumably originating with flecks of metal? Is this brass oxidizing or uhh, corroding? Perhaps the equivalent of rust, but for brass? I know brass jewelry will turn your skin green, so is that what's happening here?
Is there any known quick fix (doubtful!), or a way to keep it from getting worse (simply keep in a dry area?).
Thanks all, figured it might be a fun project to try to clean these up. In the meantime they shuffle great by my mousepad.
Is there any known quick fix (doubtful!), or a way to keep it from getting worse (simply keep in a dry area?).
Thanks all, figured it might be a fun project to try to clean these up. In the meantime they shuffle great by my mousepad.