Found Wanting to buy Jack Detroit chips. 25 (sec), 100 (prim), 500 (prim) (1 Viewer)

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3 of a Kind
Jan 28, 2019
Reaction score
Saint Louis, MO
As it bothers me when people don't post what they would like to offer for chips that they want, I will post my pricing that I would like to pay :)

I will start my offering to purchase price at 50% over chip room pricing. If I get no offers coming in, I will adjust.

Wanting JACK casino chips in the following quantities:

Looking for:
60 x $500 primaries (offering $750/rack shipped) - @MarquetteMonkey is hooking me up. Thank you!
100 x $100 primaries (offering $300/rack shipped) - @uclaure is hooking me up. Thank you!
120 x $100 primaries (offering $300/rack shipped) - @MarquetteMonkey is hooking me up. Thank you!
200 x $25 secondaries (offering $240/rack shipped) - @Ringer3 is hooking me up. Thank you!

Dealer Button? Not sure what they go for. - @uclaure is hooking me up. Thank you!
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I have a rack on primary 100’s that I was going to relabel but I just can’t destroy such a nice chip. They were never put into play. I shuffled them 2 or 3 times but that was it. I’m willing to let them go for 300.
JWJ, I will let you know. I had a lot of offers come in quickly. If one of those falls through, you are my backup on the 100s.
I believe that I will only need another 2 barrels of the $500 primaries. I will adjust the first post after this is confirmed and payment has been sent.
Weren't all the cut cards bridge size?
Weren't all the cut cards bridge size?

I appears so. I will remove that "want" request, as they don't exist (unless they get custom made outside of the group buy). Sorry for the confusion, as I was ignorant to that fact.
They both work for me. I just know that the poker-sized cards work better for my dad who has nerve damage to one of his hands.

This is like when we used to make "your mom" jokes as kids and the kid would reply, "my mom is dead" ... just kills the moment.

Poker size cards have their place :)
Was able to get all but 40 of the 500s within hours of putting this want ad up. Still wanting 40 more.
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