3 of a Kind
As it bothers me when people don't post what they would like to offer for chips that they want, I will post my pricing that I would like to pay 
I will start my offering to purchase price at 50% over chip room pricing. If I get no offers coming in, I will adjust.
Wanting JACK casino chips in the following quantities:
Looking for:
60 x $500 primaries (offering $750/rack shipped) - @MarquetteMonkey is hooking me up. Thank you!
100 x $100 primaries (offering $300/rack shipped) - @uclaure is hooking me up. Thank you!
120 x $100 primaries (offering $300/rack shipped) - @MarquetteMonkey is hooking me up. Thank you!
200 x $25 secondaries (offering $240/rack shipped) - @Ringer3 is hooking me up. Thank you!
Dealer Button? Not sure what they go for. - @uclaure is hooking me up. Thank you!

I will start my offering to purchase price at 50% over chip room pricing. If I get no offers coming in, I will adjust.
Wanting JACK casino chips in the following quantities:
Looking for:
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