Just played a holdem tourney tonight.
3 players left.
Little blind barely has enough chips to cover little blind.
I cover big blind.
Dealer bets 2x big blind.
Little blind starts side pot and puts rest of his chips in.
I call.
Flop comes, I check, Dealer puts me all in an I call.
Dealer wins the hand and gets both our chips.
Small blind had a better hand than me but I had more chips into the hand.
I should have folded guaranteeing atleast 2nd place but had a possibility of winning the hand when I called.
We didn't know how to handle it so we split 2nd and 3rd place as a chop.
What place did we really take?
3 players left.
Little blind barely has enough chips to cover little blind.
I cover big blind.
Dealer bets 2x big blind.
Little blind starts side pot and puts rest of his chips in.
I call.
Flop comes, I check, Dealer puts me all in an I call.
Dealer wins the hand and gets both our chips.
Small blind had a better hand than me but I had more chips into the hand.
I should have folded guaranteeing atleast 2nd place but had a possibility of winning the hand when I called.
We didn't know how to handle it so we split 2nd and 3rd place as a chop.
What place did we really take?