What was your best winning hand? (1 Viewer)


4 of a Kind
Supporter Plus
Feb 15, 2017
Reaction score
Northern Virginia
Back in the day when you could play online for cash from anywhere, I was playing some small stakes PLO and flopped a royal flush! Just checked-called the entire way and on every street the villain just got stronger From flopping a straight with a pair of Ks, improving to trip Ks on the turn then rivering quads.. Let's just say he was not happy to see I flopped the nuts and just slow played them the whole way. :D

I think big hands happen way more often online, due to the sheer frequency of hands played vs live. Additionally, 4 card games have a much greater likelihood of having monster hands, just due to odds. Straight and royals flushes are not nearly a scarce.

I think this needs to be factored into having a “best hand” thread.

Me personally, I’ve had a few of royals in NLHE live (two were at chip meet ups), but the hand that sticks out in my mind as most memorable, was at the Flamingo poker room. I had AA and get AIPF vs KK and QQ. $1000 pot. I am feeling good, then the Q’s bink a set on the flop. My heart sinks, the Q’s start celebrating. The turn is a K, and the Q’s looked like someone punched them in the gut, and the K’s start to celebrate. Well... not to disappoint, but the river was an A, BOOM! I’m freaking out, sending both Q’s and the K’s reeling! It’s the biggest roller coaster of a hand I’ve ever played. I remember the dealer (Pervis), and he always brings up that hand when I see him.

Here’s the royals for. Two different MTTD meet ups.

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Was hoping this thread was about best stories of winning hands, not highest ranking hands...
My first real big win was at a church carnival game about 18 years ago. I was barely 21 at the time but had been playing poker for a while already. Mostly tournaments and 25/25c cash games afterwards.

I had never played in casino or with anyone other than my friends before this game.

It was $1/2 Hold’em with a 10% rake, no cap!!!! The rake killed the game pretty fast, but not before I flopped a full house with A2 on an AA2 board. Got it all in 3 ways vs A 10 & 22!! I faded the 10’s in the turn and river to win about $800. The game busted after that hand. I treated my friends to beers that night and have never looked back!!
I've had two royals in my life. They were about 10 min from each other in the same day at the same casino.
My very first hand of holdem in an actual casino. They opened a new $1/$2 table for us, I sat down with $140 and got dealt pocket jacks. I don't remember the preflop betting, but there was some. I made my set on the flop and there was some more betting. The fourth Jack came on the turn and, again, I don't remember how the betting went - can you imagine my adrenlin - first hand quads? In the end, I think the pot was around $350. Probably not my biggest pot ever, but definitely my most memorable hand.

Edit - just remembered, it certainly didn't hurt my chances at getting callers that I bought in with a full rack of $1's and the rest in red - my only other experience was a home games at .25/.50 where the $1 chips were used the most. So I looked like an idiot.
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This hand happened almost ten years ago, but I'll never forget it.

Playing a 10 handed 1/2nl live game I'm sitting in the small blind with aces and about $350 behind. There is a straddle on. Limps around with everybody calling the straddle except one person. I know utg is going to raise his straddle. He almost always makes it $10-$14 to go. Therefore, I call and wait. Unexpectedly, the straddle makes it $57 to go. I'm a little bit disappointed thinking everyone will fold. To my surprise, he gets 4 callers. Back to me with $300 in the pot. Shove takes it down.

Also, was in one of those hands where it was ace high flush vs king high flush vs queen high flush. All three shove. I had the ace.
Two of my biggest pots were at @ChaosRock place.

The first one was at the secondary cash table with @ThePunk and @WedgeRock . We were playing double board PLO. I don't remember the exact hands and betting rounds. I was in late position with a suited ace and a pair. Pre flop bet was two bucks with a bunch of callers. I flop the nut flush on both boards. @ThePunk checks, @WedgeRock pots it. I call and ThePunk calls. Turn brings another heart on one of the boards and nothing on the other board. ThePunk checks, Wedgrock pots. I call, ThePunk calls. The river doesn't pair either board. ThePunk checks, Wedge pots it. I re pot it (I have everyone covered). Both players call. I rollover the nuts on both boards. Wedge mucks his cards and Tarlo (Thepunk) rolls over flopped second flush on both boards. The pot was in the 400+ range.

The second hand was a double board PLO8 hand that Paulo and I got mixed up in. All the money got in on the turn. I believe the pot was in the 700/800 range. I had nut/nut on one board and nut high on the second board. I rivered the second low to quarter Paulo.
Two of my biggest pots were at @ChaosRock place.

The first one was at the secondary cash table with @ThePunk and @WedgeRock . We were playing double board PLO. I don't remember the exact hands and betting rounds. I was in late position with a suited ace and a pair. Pre flop bet was two bucks with a bunch of callers. I flop the nut flush on both boards. @ThePunk checks, @WedgeRock pots it. I call and ThePunk calls. Turn brings another heart on one of the boards and nothing on the other board. ThePunk checks, Wedgrock pots. I call, ThePunk calls. The river doesn't pair either board. ThePunk checks, Wedge pots it. I re pot it (I have everyone covered). Both players call. I rollover the nuts on both boards. Wedge mucks his cards and Tarlo (Thepunk) rolls over flopped second flush on both boards. The pot was in the 400+ range.

I have no recollection of this hand. Who is this @ChaosRock guy? I don't think I've ever played at his house. I think you have me confused with someone else.
I have no recollection of this hand. Who is this @ChaosRock guy? I don't think I've ever played at his house. I think you have me confused with someone else.

lol, it was awesome. You had the third best hand, yet driving all the action :) Well, it was awesome for me :)

It was awhile ago. You are pretty old. No surprising that you don't remember it :)
I have had a few royal flushes. My first was at our weekly holdem tourney when I was younger. It was down to just my buddy and I. He pushed with his two pair and I called to take the tourney down. Felt good.

This one was more recent.

OFCP - .25¢ a point, HU.

Here's the setup. Last draw. I've got

666 on top
J93Tcccc in the middle
AKQJhhhh on the bottom

I peel the Qc to give me a flush in the middle without fouling my trip sixes on top. I start trash talking my opponent that I'm going to royal the bottom. He just shakes his head in disgust and really hopes I peel two bricks.

I peel my second card and I just smile. Th gives me the royal. Didn't bother with the third card and auto discard it lol.


I then proceed to crush with this in fantasy land.


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