Whats a fair price to offer for 1000 Paulson classics ? (2 Viewers)

AK Chip

Royal Flush
Oct 11, 2015
Reaction score
Hello, I am thinking of buying a set of Paulson classics from a non member any thoughts on a fair price would be appreciated.

I'd say it depends on how dialed in they are to what they can sell them for and what their relationship to you is. If they're considering eBay and if chips are mint or near mint, they can easily pull $2.50+ per chip there and upwards if $3 ea for the higher demand denoms. But if it's a local Craigslist make offer scenario, then $1.50 is pretty fair. If it's a friend who doesn't want to later feel like he got screwed, then I'd probably say closer to $2 if they're near mint or better. If buying from @MegaTon44... I'd say closer to 75 cents ea ;)
400 plus mile drive to get them.
Ask the seller what he/she wants for them. If it's too high or too low for you to feel good about, then adjust your approach. 400 miles is a long way and I probably wouldn't pay $1.50 each (which is basically the market rate on PCF lately) if going that far out of my way.

https://www.pokerchipforum.com/threads/chip-pick-616pc-paulson-classic-cash-set.21234/ (sold for $1.50)

https://www.pokerchipforum.com/threads/chip-pick-500pc-paulson-classics-for-850.20142/ (sold for $1.50)
Ask the seller what he/she wants for them. If it's too high or too low for you to feel good about, then adjust your approach. 400 miles is a long way and I probably wouldn't pay $1.50 each (which is basically the market rate on PCF lately)

https://www.pokerchipforum.com/threads/chip-pick-616pc-paulson-classic-cash-set.21234/ (sold for $1.50)

https://www.pokerchipforum.com/threads/chip-pick-500pc-paulson-classics-for-850.20142/ (sold for $1.50)
I can get them for 1,000 but then I have fuel and time so I'm trying to see if I should offer less or there seems to be enough meat on the bone to offer full price and still be able to recoup my expenses.
I can get them for 1,000 but then I have fuel and time so I'm trying to see if I should offer less or there seems to be enough meat on the bone to offer full price and still be able to recoup my expenses.

Also consider the breakdown isn't ideal. It's very heavy on the ones, has a rack and a half of tens, and almost no high denoms.
400 plus mile drive to get them.

And...? ;)
I say go with $1/chip. You have 6 hours each way to drive, and may show up to see chips in worse condition than expected. So I would def not start at $1.50/each paid here. Here you know what you're getting.

Edit: $1/chip is to be fair. But really if someone is selling chips on craigslist what are they expecting? He's probably expecting way way less.
The drive wont be horrible.:)

If he hasn't set an amount i'd offer $500- $600 and bemoan the fact that its 400 miles away.

Offer that knowing if he says no, at least you have a good starting point. So when he turns around and says $1000, you counter with $750.

Then he walks away and you drive to Dennys and think about what went wrong.
400 plus mile drive to get them.
That's a different story.
I was recently trying to decide how much I'd need to save to make it worth it for me to drive 300 miles to buy fireworks wholesale, instead of paying retail prices locally. I came to realize that for me, it wasn't about calculating what my time was worth, or what any net savings would be - for me, it was worth it just to beat the system. But I have time on my hands.
I would pay $2.50 / chip but only if I got to make that drive!

I had 2000 Classics at one time and they got more play than any of my other chips. I kind of liked them but I only got about 65c / chip for them.
Obviously Paulsons have gone up alot but I really don't think that should apply to fantasy chips. I've seen crazy prices on high-denoms lately which is stupid IMO.
Why is a $1000 fantasy chip any more valuable than a $1 fantasy chip?

But they are still Paulson's. I'm guessing they are worth about 90c to $1.10 / chip in excellent condition.
If a Grizzly has eaten them and shat them out then maybe a little bit more; but not for the high denoms.
lol.....for the butt-ugly Classics inlay, no fucking way.

And advertising mold.

When you add the gas money and TIME it will take round trip, I'm not sure I'd buy them for 50 cents each. You could probably have him go to an eBay store, they can ship if he can't figure out the process.

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