Instead of relabeling chips for fracs. Which would annoy the absolute f&@k out of me in a hotstamp set but I'm fine with hotstamps for inlaid sets.... What about grabbing some starbursts? Yellow or blue would be a nice fit.
Agreed with stocky. Labeled fracs in an all hotstamp set sounds like a really bad idea. As he said, just using starbursts would be the way better option.
I had the exact same thoughts with my PD set, I really liked that it was an all hotstamp set and definitely wanted a hotstamp frac, if you're relabeling and harvesting my vote would go for Flamingos just because I like that blue....but like others have said, if I'm being truly honest I wouldn't want a label with that set either. That's why I went with starburst for right now, yellow.
Ya, starburst sound like a good recommendation. Haven't searched for them lately, where (how easily) can these be found?
I posted a WTB ad for a rack of yellow starburst and had someone willing to sell me a rack almost immediately (thanks Bill!). I could have just gotten lucky but I think you should be able to find them for a fair price and in pretty good condition.
^^ that would look good. double down saloon too.
I have been kicking myself for a few weeks now that I didn't jump on a rack of Double Down fracs that were posted here. In all honesty when that rack was posted that was the first time I had ever seen the DD fracs and I fell in love. I didn't pull the trigger just because I really like .25's compared to .50's but yeah, like I say I'm mad I let them go because I have decided that those are the fracs I will definitely want for this set. They are hotstamped and from a WA casino to match the PD chips, even
SCV like the PD's as well if I remember right, and they are just so cool.
I thought about JW's as well and got a few to compare what they would look like in stacks or pots with the red fives. I love these fracs but I felt that even with a yellow/white combo of the fracs and 1's being not the most desirable for contrast that was better than the orange with the red of the fives, they were even closer I felt.
@Trihonda , if you or your buddy ever get a hold of some double down fracs I'll buy them and ship you these starburst!!!
Have fun in Vegas!
Shity cell phone picture from the other day, but you can see the PD set with the yellow starburst. Like others have said, I think they go very well with the overall set and just "fit". I'm not sure what shades of yellow are available in starburst, but if there was a more mustard color available they would go together even better than the bright yellow. I don't have a Paulson color sample set so I have no idea what yellow I have (might be the only yellow available in starburst for all i know), but what I do know is that if you look at the faux clays in front you can see the yellow that they are. The more mustardy yelllow looks way better because I feel the ones and fives are more "muted" in there overall impact than "bright", the more mustard color fauc clay yellow would look reeeeeaaaaallllyyyy good.