SOLD Windwalker’s 5000th Post Sale #2: 1100ct Point Defiance Set (Golden Tickets welcome) (1 Viewer)

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4 of a Kind
Jul 2, 2020
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Rating - 100%
77   0   0
To mark my 5000th post, I’m doing a series of 10 sales at pretty great prices, and trimming down some of my sets, and releasing some individual racks that I probably won’t use.

Anyone with a Golden Ticket remaining is welcome to use it on any of these upcoming sales.

Up for sale is a large set of Point Defiance hotstamps, with a decent number of the very rare $25s and hundos. Casino used, but decent shape. Judge for yourself.

$1 x 300
$5 x 500
$25 x 160
$100 x 140

This is a dibs sale. No splits. Set price is $3,300 plus shipping.

These sales allow the use of a Golden Ticket. Here’s how that works, please read carefully.

On any sale designated “Golden Tickets welcome”, anyone of the 12 people who have the tickets will have the ability to use the first 12 hours as exclusive shopping just for them. They must post “Golden Ticket Dibs” in order to exercise purchase. Here are the caveats:

- if you have already used your Golden Ticket, you cannot use it again.

- they can only use their dibs once, on one sale. If there are multiple lots in the sale, they can dibs up to 2 lots at the same time. Once the ticket is used, they can’t use it again.

- if more than one Golden Ticket holder dibs a particular lot or sale, I will do a drawing. The ones that don’t win the drawing will retain their ticket for use in another sale or another lot.

Anyone (including Golden Ticket holders) can simply call dibs / backup dibs, and if there are no Golden Ticket dibs in the first 12 hours, it goes to a normal dibs process, and the first “dibs” shall be honored.

This means Golden Ticket holders can win a sale WITHOUT using their Golden Tickets by simply dibsing first.

The actual chips you’re buying:

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I have 4 racks of 5s - I don’t think they’re leaded tbh but beautiful underrated chips.

Nice! Helluva set now. Get them in play.

Love hotstamps, and so do you lol! But now the pricing makes a little more sense! Still incredible deal.
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