Wanted WTB: 2009 ChipTalk Calendar (1 Viewer)

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Royal Flush
Oct 28, 2014
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Anyone have an extra from back in the day or anyone willing to sell their only copy? Doesn't need to be mint condition, but would like it to look alright.

Unlike other years, I don't think you can still order this one from Shutterfly, but I would love to be wrong if anyone can correct me and send me the proper link.


1) Because I have all other years' calendars, so I want to complete the set; but more importantly
2) Because a lot of the original photographs which appear in the calendar have been lost from CT and I want to be able to gaze lovingly upon the beautiful sets of the past.
Sigh, yea, all those great CT reference pics, gone.

What exactly happened? Was it a photobucket thing, or a CT thing?
BTW, I also posted this ad over on CT and there have been exactly three threads with new posts in the last 24 hours...all bumped by me. :(
I stopped checking completely

I had too for a while, but went back when the HoF process started getting batted around in PMs to look for pr0n. I was really glad to see viet rounder's thread posting pics of old sets, some of which had been lost to the black hole of imageshack. Unfortunately, there's really no other action over there.

I'm still glad to post there if I have something relevant/helpful to say. Fortunately for you all I do all my irrelevant blathering here ;)
I'm still glad to post there if I have something relevant/helpful to say. Fortunately for you all I do all my irrelevant blathering here ;)

Well, to be fair, it's no fun to post irrelevant blatherings to a (blue) brick wall that doesn't engage back.
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I believe I have all of the photos used in that Calendar. I'll see if I can dig them up.

Nice! Thanks so much, John. That would be amazing.

If anyone has an extra, I'd still be interesting in buying it just for the value of having each calendar.
sorry, can't help you. I just broke my poker chip calendar virginity this year!
Wow, paper calendars -- how quaint. :rolleyes:

The last paper calendar in our house was a CT calendar many years ago, and it was never hung -- just looked at, maybe twice.

Wouldn't it be terrific to have all the images from all the chip calendars available as a desktop background or screen saver for PCs, Macs, iphones, and androids? Selectable to have a different image every hour, day, week, or whatever? Hmmm...
Wow, paper calendars -- how quaint. :rolleyes:

The last paper calendar in our house was a CT calendar many years ago, and it was never hung -- just looked at, maybe twice.

Wouldn't it be terrific to have all the images from all the chip calendars available as a desktop background or screen saver for PCs, Macs, iphones, and androids? Selectable to have a different image every hour, day, week, or whatever? Hmmm...
Sounds like you just elected yourself for a job....
Sigh, yea, all those great CT reference pics, gone.

What exactly happened? Was it a photobucket thing, or a CT thing?

Most of the missing images are now broken links to Imageshack. Based on my understanding, hot linking to images there were blocked for free accounts when they became a paid-subscription-only service. The images on those free accounts are available for account owners to download until Jan 2016, when they will be deleted. At least, that's what Wikipedia tells me.

I believe Tommy recommends uploading directly to the forum. This is one reason why.
Wow, paper calendars -- how quaint. :rolleyes:

The last paper calendar in our house was a CT calendar many years ago, and it was never hung -- just looked at, maybe twice.

Wouldn't it be terrific to have all the images from all the chip calendars available as a desktop background or screen saver for PCs, Macs, iphones, and androids? Selectable to have a different image every hour, day, week, or whatever? Hmmm...

To be honest this comment made me look up at the CT calendar hung in my office thinking that I might not have turned it to December yet. It's still on October.

Hey, I never said they were useful.
To be honest this comment made me look up at the CT calendar hung in my office thinking that I might not have turned it to December yet. It's still on October.

Hey, I never said they were useful.
Well in all fairness October was gorgeous.
What ever happened to Playboy calendars? All I hear is CT chip calendars. No wonder Playboy is ridding nudity in its magazines. Chip pr0n rules!
What ever happened to Playboy calendars? All I hear is CT chip calendars. No wonder Playboy is ridding nudity in its magazines. Chip pr0n rules!

I mean, technically there's no good reason you couldn't combine the two (y) :thumbsup:

I wonder if those chips have the China clay smell now.
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