Wanted WTB: Blue Chip Quarters - Rack of 100 or more (1 Viewer)

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May 29, 2016
Reaction score
Kelowna, BC
These match wonderfully with PCA $1's with the white inlay, I want to complete my mint cash set with a rack of these for quarters.

Looking for a rack of 100 but willing to buy more!
These match wonderfully with PCA $1's with the white inlay, I want to complete my mint cash set with a rack of these for quarters.

Looking for a rack of 100 but willing to buy more!
Could you post a pic example.

I'm curious

Credit Tommy for the photo, not sure if it's originally his or not though...

On that note... I know who to PM now LOL
Yeah just talked to him about it... They're out there I just pray someone hasn't used them and is willing to let them go to a good home :)
I'd be interested in some as well if you find a big pile of them.
Been looking for these for months, the more I search, the more I realize that @Gear relabels are probably going to be my only option for white inlay quarters :(
Those are pretty fantastic quarters. Some of the nicest I've ever seen actually! :)
Funny how these go. I sold my 360 to Tommy, who then sold all he had -- but it took him quite a while. Now everyone's looking for them again...

So far as white inlay quarters go, you might look at the Greektowns or MGM Grand Detroits. Or the Key Wests. Or, if the silver cast doesn't bother you, the Pharaoh China clays. And for giant inlays, the Riverboat V1s -- there have been some on eBay recently.
Seems like everyone wants these lately.

I mean, so do I. Just seems like everyone does also...
Haven't seen any turn up here or on eBay lately. Aren't these still live chips?

Good luck with your search! IMHO they are one of the nicest inlay fracs (sorta available). I'm glad I bought mine when I did. They are in high demand for good reason.
Or consider solid hotstamps. I hated them at first, and now I can't get enough of them. The
Funny how these go. I sold my 360 to Tommy....

Wait, WHAT? I didn't know chips EVER left your place.
I see it as there are limited amounts of them (very limited with some) and once they find their "home" they're off the market almost for good... Timing is everything, I got the LAST rack of Motor City Quarters that I've seen for sale, and that was almost 3 months ago now.

I'm just praying that someone will have a rack or two of these and have the "Well they just aren't seeing play" moment and I want to be first in line, been wanting some since before I bought my Motor City quarters :)

Pretty sure I'll be paying top $$ for them if they do go up for sale though!
I wonder how many are out there? 2000? 3000? Methinks it's probably a limited amount
Outpost San Ramon quarters are very nice too, but equally hard to find.

If you do consider the re-label option, I think @Mr. Cheese still has a rack of mint Aria $1's, blue with yellow spots that would make an awesome quarter. Similar colors to blue chip quarter.
Aren't these still live chips?
No, I don't think so. Quite sure that there would be a major run on the casino's stock if so.......

If not mistaken, the current live chips are all RHC mold with giant inlays... and no quarters. :(

@Tommy would know for sure.
So where are they all? Is somebody hoarding them for some crazy .25/.25 limit game?
So where are they all? Is somebody hoarding them for some crazy .25/.25 limit game?

1-3000 really isn't many when it comes to a denomination of chips... Most people will have 200 so if 10 people have 200 each and aren't reselling, they're essentially off the market gone :(
And I think @TheBigTater has 200+ that he's not selling. In speaking with him a while back, we both agreed we probably wouldn't find a better Paulson spotted inlay quarter (my exception to this is the Outpost quarter).

I know this is not the objective of this thread. Sorry.
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