Found WTB/WTT/WTS Aruba Palm Beach Chips (1 Viewer)

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4 of a Kind
Jul 10, 2015
Reaction score
Niskayuna, NY
Looking to tweak my Aruba Palm Beach set. I am primarily looking to buy and/or trade for more of the $5 chips below and the dark green $25 with brown and light blue spots. Ideally I'd like to find at least another (65) $5 chips to finish a rack and extra $25 chips. I have quite a few extra of the lighter green $25 chip w/pink and white spots to trade/sell.


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Just a quick Sunday morning bump.

As mentioned in the OP, I'm primarily looking to buy (or possibly trade) for more of the $5 chips and $25 chips (dark blue) to add to what will be my cash APB set.

I have a lot of the lighter green $25 chips, some of which I will likely use for a tournament set. The rest are up for grabs for trade. If I can't find anyone to trade $25 chips with me (which I realize is somewhat unlikely), then I will go ahead and sell the extras (with first dubs to those who already contacted me about purchasing them).

As for the $100 chips, not sure at this point that I'll have extras to sell as I have just enough of them to use for both my cash and tournament set. Would be still be interested in buying some of the orange/blue/brown spotted $100 chips, but I realize they're hard to come by.

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I have a bunch of the dark green 25s (less than a rack but more than a barrel or two.) I'll get an exact count this afternoon.
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