SOLD Wyndham Old San Juan Bud Jones 400pc tourney set (1 Viewer)

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Straight Flush
Dec 21, 2015
Reaction score
Rating - 100%
162   0   0
I just picked up this Bud Jones Wyndham Old San Juan tourney set a couple months ago for a great price ($520). They're really cool Bud Jones chips, but I've been buying chips left and right and am running out of room. Sadly, they must go. Selling them for what I paid, which was an awesome deal!

Breakdown is as follows: 150 x $5, 150 x $25, 75 x $100, 25 x $500

$520 + shipping

Great looking chips. If I weren't buying a big set of boardwlks, I would deifinitely pick these up. GLWS
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I am seriously considering getting a job just so I can buy these chips.

I also accept layaway payments!

Damn, those are nice. Pretty decent breakdown too.
What is the weight on these BTW?

According to my trusty little scale, they appear to be about 10.6g ea. Which, while heavier than Paulson, BCC, and CPC, pales in comparison to the "casino quality" 13.5g "chips" found on eBay.

It's actually perfect for a 10 player T1000 tourney with rebuys or a T2000 tourney.

Starting stacks are:
15 x 5 = 75
13 x 25 = 325
6 x 100 = 600
2 x 500 = 1000
Total = 2000

Remainder chips = 15 x 100, 5 x 500 = 4000 which is enough to color up all the 5s and 25s (there's also 20 extra 25s that could be used when you color up just the 5s if you want).

Poker Stars and Full Tilt used to run these structures all the time. Blinds typically start off at 5-10 or 10-20. They're great tourneys!

I should probably have put this in the OP :)
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one more bump before they go to the dark side... hoping to keep these here and not let them go to eBay though. They're cool chips :)
These have been cross listed on eBay at a higher price. However, they're still being offered here to any PCFers for the amount I paid listed above.
I wonder how easy it would be to add to this set down the road? If anyone has an idea please let me know! Thanks, Jerry
I think it would be pretty easy. I've seen them for sale a few times.
I wonder how easy it would be to add to this set down the road? If anyone has an idea please let me know! Thanks, Jerry

I have an identical set, plus two additional racks of fives. Was likely going to put them up for sale, though I don't want to interfere with @RainmanTrail's sale. However, if you were after a larger set, perhaps something could be worked out.
Still have these available for anyone wanting a Bud Jones tourney set
I've had a few inquiries on these, but no one has pulled the trigger yet. They're still available.
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