SOLD Wynn charity event chips - 300 chip set (1 Viewer)

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Royal Flush
May 29, 2013
Reaction score
Rating - 100%
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OK, I really don't want to do this. But, I ordered my first set of CPC (semi-) customs this week, and so I think I need to part with half of my Wynn chips to help fund that effort (and allow me to start thinking about my next set). I currently have a 1200 chip set, but I think I can live with 600 :)

So I'd like to put up the following set for sale:

set consisting of 300 chips:

120 x T100
120 x T500
40 x T1000
20 x T5000
one dealer button

These are Paulsons, mint condition, on the no-mold.

The buyer gets to choose between the light or dark colored dealer button

Price is $1500 for the set (based on $4/ for T100 and T500, $6/ for T1000, and $15/ for T5000)

No, I will not sell the T5000s on their own.
Buyer to send Paypal using Friends and Family, or cover the fees.
Shipping will be $18 in US, in MFRB with signature required restricted delivery.

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You're definitely well on your way to a good CPC order for that price, although I'll admit that's still probably just a percentage of your bill :) GLWS!!
Willing to take some Horseshoe secondary ($500 and above) in partial trade as well (not because I want them, but because I have friends that do).
What? I try to be good to my friends. They're good to me :)
Just sayin'... I can't count the number of times I've been working in uniform and someone will come up to ask a question that starts with "a buddy of mine..." and then proceed to describe some legal predicament their "friend" is in. I usually smile and ask "so, when's your court date?" They get all flustered and stammer and stumble: uh uh, uh, well, uh... To which I say just pay the ticket and get on with your life.

Haha, gotcha. I see.

Well, in this case, I truly do not want them for myself. I will not own more than a sample set of the Horshoe chips, I did not get on that particular boat, and the ship has sailed :)
Sending some barrels to eBay. If any barrels sell, then I'll be down to only 1 set available. So if you want all 600 chips, now is the time!
Update: My buddies no longer need Horseshoe secondary that is no longer a trade option.

Sorry. This is a for sale only at this point...not a for trade ad.

Come get 'em !
@liftapint int I hope it is not a breach of etiquette but if you would consider doing a raffle out of those I would strongly consider taking a ticket
the price point is a bit too high for me but I would like a chance to own these

I thought I would let you know. GLWS amasing chips

EDIT to clarify as I do not want any confusion, I am not saying they are too pricey I am just saying I cannot afford them
@liftapint int I hope it is not a breach of etiquette but if you would consider doing a raffle out of those I would strongly consider taking a ticket
the price point is a bit too high for me but I would like a chance to own these

Ok. Thanks for the input. I will give this one more day and if there is no taker, I will set up a raffle for one of the two 300 chip sets. Tomorrow after work I will start a new thread.
I have a little extra time tonight, so I will get up the raffle. One 300 chip set will remain for sale here.
The raffle is a "go".

So there is just one 300 chip set left. Winner of the raffle could double up? Or if you end up without the lottery luck, get a set anyway!!
These are awesome chips and I'd love to have a set...just can't justify that price. Come on lucky lotto!!!!!
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