SOLD Wynn charity event chips -- heads up sets (1 Viewer)

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Royal Flush
May 29, 2013
Reaction score
Rating - 100%
205   0   0
Thanks to some help from @TheChipVault, I'm able to offer 2 more heads up sets of Wynn charity event chips, and a reduced price: $400 per set plus shipping and fees (previously $525 per set).

40 x T100
40 x T500
20 x T1000

If anyone wants to add on T100 or T500 to a set purchase, this can be done at $3.50 chip, with the limitation that an even amount of T100 and T500 need to be purchased (or it would mess up my remaining set).

Adding on T1000 or T5000 is *possible*, but costly.

If someone was REALLY interested, I could probably put together about a 500 chip set, right at $2000 or a cat-hair under $2000.

But mostly, I'm interested in offering 2 heads up sets at this reduced price.

Willing to consider trades for mint Paulsons or TRK, depending.

Input from @gopherblue, not necessary. :D

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Wow. I've only ever seen those as singles and sample sets. Stacked and racked, they look REALLY nice.
Willing to trade for $1k, $5k, or $25k Horseshoe secondaries.
Had 3 of these heads-up sets for sale.
1 sold
1 pending
1 left.

Last one.
OK, all 3 heads up set have now sold.

I've decided just to keep a 2-table set of these, so I'll have about 600 chips available for sale when I get off my lazy and post them. I'll sell them in either 1x 600 chip set, or 2 smaller 300 chip sets. But for now, closing this ad since the heads up sets have found new homes.
OP updated: Thanks to a little help from my friends, I'm able to offer 2 more heads up sets at a reduced rate (price drop from $525 to $400!), if anyone is interested.
These are absolutely awesome, I keep coming back to them. If I hadn't just worked so hard completing a Horseshoe tournament set, I would be speaking to you about a larger set.

Best of Luck with Your Sale.
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