SOLD Yakama Legends BJ v7 1,900pc (~500x ea denom) (1 Viewer)

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Full House
May 26, 2017
Reaction score
Simi Valley, CA
Rating - 100%
20   0   0
$1,625 gets 'em shipped to your door USPS flat rate box. Every single one of these was hand cleaned upon arrival, so the casino gunk is gone. There are a few broken $1s-$5s.

Breakdown as follows:
500 x $1
400 x $5
500 x $25
500 x $100

I will not break the set up. I actually like the chips, but I see they're being sought after and selling and I'd rather fund a custom add on. I'm either holding these long term or using the proceeds to enlarge my custom Beach ASM set.

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1900 chips won't for securely in a medium flat rate box. You'll need two large flat rate boxes at a minimum
Yeah sorry that should've meant that there will be multiple boxes. Pretty sure they were sent in 2 mediums though? Either way...they'll ship flat rate if anyone buys them!
800 is absolute max in a mfrb with any padding at all, IMO. GLWS!
I agree with that pretty much. I got 865 Paulsons in one, once. I didn't love doing it, but the (very experienced) buyer insisted and I made it work. Definitely a double-box lots of tape situation.
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