Found Yakama / Legends (1 Viewer)

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Full House
Dec 29, 2014
Reaction score
Rochester, NY
Looking for a barrel of $1’s & $5’s to replace broken chips. Need at least 10 of each but why not get a few spares, if possible. Wouldn’t mind having a few extra $25’s (5) but not needed.

Let me know. Thanks.
Talk about unlucky. I've been on the lookout for these chips for weeks and the exact breakdown and amount turns up and it's gone.......:(.

Im definately interested if it doesn't sell or if you unload more chips.
Looking for a barrel of $1’s & $5’s to replace broken chips. Need at least 10 of each but why not get a few spares, if possible. Wouldn’t mind having a few extra $25’s (5) but not needed.

Let me know. Thanks.
Shipping is a bitch for small quantities. I believe I have a half-barrel of the fives, which you can have for $8 shipped, if you want them.
So odd... in a good way, This is the first time I’ve ever seen collectors get a great deal on chips and then when it comes time to sell, consistently pass the deal along to the next owner for what they originally purchased them for. Which is well below market value for this quality of chip.

I think it’s great (but I’m not selling mine anytime soon). Who woulda thunk a premium set going for $.30 a chip in this market? Paulson’s in similar condition are going for 10x that!
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I decided to pass on the set from @justsomedude, I didn’t see a point to keeping a set from others just to fill my racks (plus I’d still be looking to fill the racks).

So still looking. @upNdown if I don’t hear from other parties this week I’ll take your chips. Yes because of shipping costs would like to source from on spot if possible.
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