Brag on yourself (36 Viewers)

My small company got acquired some years ago and the executives visited us for a summer BBQ and friendly get-to-know-you whiffle ball game.

The CEO came up with 2 on and 2 out with us up 1 in the last inning and he crowded the plate. I brushed him back, and he crowded the plate even more.

So being stupidly competitive and with a number of beers in me, I did the only thing I could in that situation.

I drilled him in the head.

He went down and got back into the box and stood off the plate so I thought, ok, slider away and he flails and I’m out of the inning.

Threw a good slider, but he stepped into and pulled it over 150 foot tall pines in left for a homer.

At the BBQ line later, his CMO and best friend sidled up to me and said “I prolly should’ve told you, but he was a D-1 all-American for 2 years at baseball.”

Lesson: if you’re going to bean your new CEO, make sure he wasn’t a division 1 all American athlete first.
One more from my youth.

In my high school class, there was a guy who was very charismatic, and considered a shoe-in to become class President.

However, the three hottest and most popular girls knew he was a closet alcoholic with mental health issues.

They decided to quietly organize to get someone else elected. And improbably picked… me, a high-achieving but unpopular geek.

I’d never said more than two words to the three of them, and had no idea what was coming when the announcement of the vote tally was made.

Kicker: The popular troubled guy spent the fall of senior year trying to destroy me, pretty well succeeded, but dropped out by December.
Speaking of youth accomplishments. I ran a soda and candy business most of my junior high and senior high years. At my peak I had 6 lockers for storage plus the economics teachers fridge. Senior year I was making $300+ a week and the last month of school I was making $500-700 a week. Most of the teachers bought from me too. I worked at a grocery store buying in bulk at cost. The worst part was getting on and off the bus before school. I recruited helpers to get off the bus and help me carry stuff on then help bring to the lockers once at school. I paid them in free snacks and soda. I did that until I had friends that drove me home from work and to school with the loads of snacks.
I biked or rode bus a lot. At 15 I took my moms car for a joy ride with friends while she was on vacation in Europe. When she got home to find her car cracked up in the garage she wouldn't let me get my license. I moved out at 18 mid senior year while she was at work and I didnt speak to her for 3 months when I graduated. I finally got my license on my own shortly after.
Star crunch, Doritos, and Mountain Dew were my biggest sellers.
The last month of school was nothing but movies with 3 classes worth of kids in one big room because the new school was built with me being last graduating class at the old school. They got some kids to help move as much as they could to the new school while I made bank selling during movies. The principle was the only one that ever gave me a hard time but teachers all had my back.
Probably wouldn't get away with doing that now days.
Probably wouldn't get away with doing that now days.

Speaking as a high school teacher, you’d be surprised. I had a student a number of years ago who used to make handheld burritos before school and sell them for $2-3 each. It didn’t reach the heights of your enterprise, but the entire staff supported him. The principal even had him cater an after school event.
Rolled 100,000 joints
My real expertise is shooting elastics or what some people call rubber bands. Still kill flies on screens from 2 rooms away. Took out a bumblebee midair last year, but felt badly afterwards even though he was coming right at me. I can literally shoot your eye out.
Rolled 100,000 joints
Do you work for a dispensary?

100,000 joints, let’s say over 20 years. That’s 5000 joints a year, or about 13 per day 24/7. That’s a lot to smoke. Extend it to 40 years and that’s still about 7 joints a day 24/7. Every day.

Or 100,000 joints at about .75 grams in each. That’s about 75,000 grams of cannabis, or 2678.5 ounces. Even at the current depressed rate of $100 an ounce that’s $267,000+. Tax isn’t included in the above, and that’s at 22%, so about another $50,000.
$300,000 buys a lot of anything.
Do you work for a dispensary?

100,000 joints, let’s say over 20 years. That’s 5000 joints a year, or about 13 per day 24/7. That’s a lot to smoke. Extend it to 40 years and that’s still about 7 joints a day 24/7. Every day.

Or 100,000 joints at about .75 grams in each. That’s about 75,000 grams of cannabis, or 2678.5 ounces. Even at the current depressed rate of $100 an ounce that’s $267,000+. Tax isn’t included in the above, and that’s at 22%, so about another $50,000.
$300,000 buys a lot of anything.
Wow @ekricket I didn’t know you knew so much about cannabis :unsure:
You don’t remember? I thought I was more impressionable. But met we have!!!
I don’t usually look at the name, just respond to the comments.

There’s a few people on here that think they are special and get bent taking it personal, “everyone should know who they are” so if you are responding it means you are attacking them personally, even if you don’t have any idea of who they are or where they live or what they do or who they know or what politics they like or movies they hate or their real name, or anything about them really other than they made a comment on a public website.

They must get hated on regular in real life to be so sensitive I guess.
One time I did a downhill mountain bike race in the snow. I didn’t win, but I also didn’t get hypothermia, so that’s a kind of a win.
There’s a few people on here that think they are special and get bent taking it personal, “everyone should know who they are” so if you are responding it means you are attacking them personally, even if you don’t have any idea of who they are or where they live or what they do or who they know or what politics they like or movies they hate or their real name, or anything about them really other than they made a comment on a public website.

I don’t take it personally or get butt hurt, I’m just trying to razz the people I do know. Hence me thinking “I’m must be so impressionable”.

I just remembered you because of how many chips you gave me ;)
I don’t take it personally or get butt hurt, I’m just trying to razz the people I do know. Hence me thinking “I’m must be so impressionable”.

I just remembered you because of how many chips you gave me ;)
I'm not sure gave is the correct verb, didn't you just pass them to travel_girl aka @ekricket 's better half?
I guess one of the biggest things that I am proud of is my partnership with Colleen. On SAT we hit 35 years. I am not only proud of the "number", but that after 35 years, it is still fresh, fun, and a hell of a party.
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Believe me, I have tried to buy those DVDs…lol. Not happening. If anyone has a copy of 11 Days 11 Nights 2 that will play in a US DVD hit me up! Don’t even remember the name of the other one. 11 Days did play on Skinamax back in the day but I unfortunately did not record it.

Okay, I located and downloaded this Oscar snubbed film. Where would you like me to stick it?
Haven't found Glory Days yet but .... there are a LOT of Glory Days titles. You have a year?

I could send you a link to d/l from my server or burn it onto a disc and mail it.

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