Best Hotstamp/Open Class Chipset of 2020, Round 1: ACF Tournoise Paris v Vesper Club (2 Viewers)

Well, I think he meant that Vesper is just the favourite against most sets in the category.

Just like Paris Saint Germain is the favorite in the French Soccer League. Vesper = Paris Saint Germain and ACF Tournois Paris = Brest. Not same quality, budget, ... but still in the same league.
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As someone who has done more than my fare share of "free work" in my life, be it organizing a sports team (I'm not mentioning the sport, it has gone though a metamorphosis and is now cringey as f*ck and I don't want to be associated with it anymore), handling poker tournaments, handling ping-pong tourney's at the office, organizing parties, fishing tournaments, skiing trips etc etc, I have been in @WedgeRock's shoes: You're doing something for free because you enjoy it but most of all because you want to provide a service to a group of people.
Then the whining and complaining starts. Then you start wondering why you even bother.
(The worst complaints are the ones that hint that you've done something on purpose to achieve a goal. Like "It's rigged, you don't want ceramics to win!". Seriously, like @WedgeRock gives a flying f*ck who wins each category??)

Pro-tip: Anyone who has constructive ideas on how this competition can be even more awesome next year, please send a polite suggestion via PM to @WedgeRock (nobody likes to be called out in public), and start it with a huge "Thank you for putting this together!!".
lol You just said it is rigged ! ^^
I'll chalk that up to translation.

I understand everyone getting wrapped up in the vote for their own chips and it getting emotional. But you never apologized for implying that I was cheating or rigged the vote, so I assume you are standing by your allegations.
I'll chalk that up to translation.

I understand everyone getting wrapped up in the vote for their own chips and it getting emotional. But you never apologized for implying that I was cheating or rigged the vote, so I assume you are standing by your allegations.

It's a conspiracy ! ^^

You put me against the set of the year (Vesper) by ejecting me from the ceramic category, that's my version. Now I find it fun too, no worries, it's your choice.
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You sent me against the set of the year
If by conspiracy, you mean "random draw" then I stand guilty as charged.

You weren't ejected from the ceramic category. Tribute sets were placed in the open category, of which were combined with hot stamps due to low number of entries in both classes.

I am trying to be patient because I want to give you the benefit of the doubt and account for translation, but I am not explaining myself to you any more.

You have earned IGNORE status, sir.
You weren't ejected from the ceramic category. Tribute sets were placed in the open category, of which were combined with hot stamps due to low number of entries in both classes.

The " Bank " set from Kid is a tribute in the ceram category (The post).
Inigo Montoya is a tribute in the ceram category (Inigo Montoya casino).
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For me personally, I'm not sure why people are calling these VESPER CLUB the chipset of the year. They are cool chips and are well done, but they would not be my first pick, not even sure they are on my top 5.
I voted for myself so as not to be ridiculous (with the followers of Jesus) but for the Vesper I think the idea is good, vintage minimalist and I love the molds and the TRK in general. The Vesper is very nice, I look at the other chips, Vesper is very nice.

Finally Woody you must understand that making a ceramic has nothing in common with a custom clay set. I think you understand.
The colors are amazing on the Vesper (I absolutely LOVE the $1 and $5 chip, NGL). But I have to admit a little bit of ignorance in having a strong preference to inlays over hot stamps.

I'm not about to start another flame war by saying hot stamps suck, I just don't get the appeal. Maybe if I hang around chippers enough I will love them more. :)
I voted for myself so as not to be ridiculous (with the followers of Jesus) but for the Vesper I think the idea is good, vintage minimalist and I love the molds and the TRK in general. The Vesper is very nice, I look at the other chips, Vesper is very nice.

Finally Woody you must understand that making a ceramic has nothing in common with a custom clay set. I think you understand.

your set is great, but you got a tough draw. it doesn't make your set any less awesome, just accept it and move on.

i fully expect to go 0-2 in my matchups, but i will still love my sets.
I voted ACF because I don’t particularly like the Vespers, not because I like the ACF.

But serious, you literally copied another set and you’re bitching that you’re losing because it’s ceramic vs clay? Give your head a shake - you’re losing because it’s a knockoff vs an original.

Now I have to change my vote because your attitude has ruined my opinion of your knock offs.

Keep up the whining and see how many more people you can alienate.
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The challenge here ultimately comes down to insufficient entries in each "class". Maybe chips could have been categorised differently or the classes could have been consolidated differently etc but the individual running chose to do it this way and we should respect that.

Ultimatelty someone is giving up there free time to run this contest and we should be thanking them rather than getting all hot and bothered over their attempts to make a competition out of it by making one. No one wants to win a class with only a few entries in it. If winning is so important it should motivate you more to come up with something that not only you love but also your peers.

I can understand @laprecitins frustratrations and point of view however I would argue the ACFs are more "replica" than "tribute" and thats the reason why they were entered into the open class instead of the ceramic class.

Im my opinion, ultimately regardless of class entered, chip material etc an original will always beat a replica / tribute when it comes down to finals voting.

At the end of the day this should all be fun and not get to caught up in the winning and losing and focus on the creative process and bringing an idea to life.
I voted ACF because I don’t particularly like the Vespers, not because I like the ACF.

But serious, you literally copied another set and you’re bitching that you’re losing because it’s ceramic vs clay? Give your head a shake - you’re losing because it’s a knockoff vs an original.

Now I have to change my vote because you’re attitude has ruined my opinion of your knock offs.

Keep up the whining and see how many more people you can alienate.

I actually did the same thing but it's more symbolic than anything. The guy is losing by 50 votes, this makes my trailing feel not quite as painful as this one. It sucks bc the colors were my original inspiration for the Midnight Casino, but I hate when people get this whiny or complain this much.

I honestly wanted to win this tournament, but let's keep it 100 here. I don't even know what the prize is for winning; If the winner got $1000 in cash or a couple of Raiderettes sent to their door, I could see that being a reason to get upset, but unless that's the case, I'm not gonna worry too much about it.
Excuse me for bothering you, but how do we reproduce the 500 metal clay from the ACF to a ceramic replica ? Mystery of the universe.

Does anyone play with a mixed set of hotstamped clay with ceramic oversize? Never seen, but it's possible ok ok.

The two sets have absolutely nothing in common, I'm disappointed not to be able to play the great competition normally, that's all. :]
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Excuse me for bothering you, but how do we reproduce the 500 metal clay from the ACF to a ceramic replica ? Mystery of the universe.
The two sets have absolutely nothing in common, I'm disappointed not to be able to play the great competition normally, that's all. :]
I get where you're coming from, I understand the disappointment. I guess it depends on how you define "replica". The point is that it doesn't matter how you or I define it, what matters is how @WedgeRock defined it. There's no way he can make these calls without upsetting someone. Who knows, if you would have been in the ceramic category your opponent might have made a big fuss and say "they're replicas!".

Since there's no way to please everybody, I really think that those who are not pleased should cut the organizer some slack, any reword any criticism into constructive suggestions in a PM.

Had you paid a $100 entrance fee from which the organizer profits, then that's another story.
Money money money

stop listening to Abba lol

There is no money problem, although if I had done the ACF at ASM/CPC I would certainly have double the vote or won (I don't know if we can do metal clay at ASM I don't think so).

You deflect the problem on futility, we are not in the same category that's all. Cannot play ... :(
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Wow, seems like chip contests really brings out the feel and emotions in people :p
People have different tastes in poker chips, as we do in all sorts of things.

For me personally, I'm not sure why people are calling these VESPER CLUB the chipset of the year. They are cool chips and are well done, but they would not be my first pick, not even sure they are on my top 5.

I'm probably gonna be marked as "the weird one who didn't like the Vespers", but I personally don't find them particularly good looking.
But plenty of people seem to love them, so that's good :)
I'm glad we have tons of different chips on this site, it makes it so much more interesting to browse for ideas and so on.

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