SOLD Greek Samples (29 Viewers)

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One word to describe these....
Both the scrown and the greek ceramic hybrid chips are game changers. The weight of six chips of each mold weighed the same on my scale, but my scale doesn’t go to grams. The scrown chips have a diameter of about 39.1mm and a thickness of about 3.3mm, while the Greeks have a diameter of about 38.9mm and a thickness of about 3.25mm.

What really sets both chips apart, though, is the cross hatching on the chips. It gives the chips enough texture to reduce the slipperiness that comes with most other ceramic chips.

It’s amazing how far these ceramic chips have come in the past few years. Great job on the Greek hybrids @justincarothers !



Just got my NG samples today.
WOW @justincarothers !!
They look and feel great!
Good: The weight is good and they feel very durable. The options for customization are amazing too. I also like how the inlays mostly have a perfect fit in the center.
Bad: Chips feel a little slick but it’s not bad with the surface texture. Some of the edge spots weren’t aligned, and a couple had “smudged” spots on the rolling edge. There seems to be a discrepancy with the edges too. Some are sharp while others rounded, and some chips have sharp edges where the spots are and rounded edges elsewhere.

Overall, they are worth investing in a set!
Just got my NG samples today.
WOW @justincarothers !!
They look and feel great!
Good: The weight is good and they feel very durable. The options for customization are amazing too. I also like how the inlays mostly have a perfect fit in the center.
Bad: Chips feel a little slick but it’s not bad with the surface texture. Some of the edge spots weren’t aligned, and a couple had “smudged” spots on the rolling edge. There seems to be a discrepancy with the edges too. Some are sharp while others rounded, and some chips have sharp edges where the spots are and rounded edges elsewhere.

Overall, they are worth investing in a set!
A few thoughts about the cons you mentioned:

- Chips are a little less grippy than cards mold. But IMO the better "inlay" printing and lack of color penetration issues makes up for it.
- Most Tina chips have a mix of exactly aligned spots and approximately aligned spots. IMO Tina is not the right manufacturer for those who want perfect alignment.
- Smudged chips are rare. Next time, I'd probably avoid white, it seems to be the most prone to smudging.
- I didn't notice any edge discrepancies- all of mine are sharp all the way around the chip.

Overall very happy with my chips.
I really like the new Greek mold chips and will absolutely be buying a set. For those interested I’ve taken some side by side pics with Majestics (price point is similar). I prefer the Tinas in all respects, depth of chip colors, texture of chips, texture and depth of inlay colors. But here are the pics so that you can also judge:

Is there any plans for 43mm shuffle stacks to be available? Otherwise, I'll just put an order in with the latest GB. Curious how these handle in stacks!
I am also interested in getting a sample set of the Greek mold. Having read through I think just posting here is enough but if I’ve missed something please let me know :)
I'd be interested in a sample set of the Greek molds, I'm really trying to figure if I want to go with 39mm or 43mm for my Greek set, as I don't own any of the larger chips. I'm mostly wondering how they feel to shuffle etc. in the larger size. Thanks!
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