Our family needs your help. (4 Viewers)

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Dec 9, 2021
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas
Hello PCFriends,

I come to you in this time to ask for help and support for my family. My wife just gave birth on April 18, 2024 to our second child and daughter. My wife and I are both self-employed consultant and her work had to slow down tremendously with the pregnancy and my work contracts are not bringing enough for me to support my family. We have no close by family to get support and now with our savings spent, we are asking all friends and family for support in this challenging time. PCF has provided wonderful memories, laughs, community and friends for me over these past 2+ years and I felt it natural to come to you in this time of need. Thank you in advance for your kind words, donation and support.
Hey, I understand how it all looks, I get it.
If I had access to legal work and my green card was here, I'd be buying chips instead of asking for help... hehe so I get it. Unfortunately, it's been 2 years since filing I485 and 8+ months waiting for work authorization... I should just drive down and walk back over and Biden will take care of me (sad but true)...The wife herself is self employed consultant and her work slowed down a lot during pregnancy and we had to burn through savings. It's actually a massive challenge as a husband, and a father with no family in Texas.

PCF has many wonderful people who have helped me a long the way in many ways, so I thought I'd ask... No pressure or expectations.

Peace and love y'all.
Please use this link to Donate a gift in USD (U.S. Dollars):
Venmo: @VMR911
CashApp: $MVR911
PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/AnayaGift

From our family to yours, our deepest gratitude,
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Sorry to hear about your finance struggles but congratulations on the addition to your family.

Totally expecting this question to be pretty divisive and will likely polarize the group here but I guess I'll address the elephant in the room and ask. To be clear, I ask in the context of someone being asked to donate funds to someone in need, not to be an a-hole and not because I'm interested in what's for sale: Is it your intention to sell any of your collection, or any other things of value for that matter, prior to accepting donations?

I guess to me, this feels like a weird space to share a request for a donation and maybe PM (or text, email, phone?) to specific PCF friends is better suited for a donation ask? Maybe that's just me.
I'm also going to be blunt but I think asking for donations here is not the way to be going about it.

Having a child is not something that is unplanned as such and you have ample time to be prepared for it. Asking for donations because you failed to plan for this doesn't sit well with me. I can understand asking for donations when things like sudden illnesses or a loss of family strikes but not because you are struggling for money due to a baby.

I would imagine there a lot of people on this forum (and the world for that matter) who could do with a bit of extra money.

If you were really that broke, I think you would be trying to sell some items of value before asking for donations. I am not wanting to buy something by saying this. I have seen other posts where people in need auction off some of their collection or provide services for funds.

You are essentially begging here.

Anyway, all the best on your new chapter!
I'm also going to be blunt but I think asking for donations here is not the way to be going about it.

Having a child is not something that is unplanned as such and you have ample time to be prepared for it. Asking for donations because you failed to plan for this doesn't sit well with me. I can understand asking for donations when things like sudden illnesses or a loss of family strikes but not because you are struggling for money due to a baby.

I would imagine there a lot of people on this forum (and the world for that matter) who could do with a bit of extra money.

If you were really that broke, I think you would be trying to sell some items of value before asking for donations. I am not wanting to buy something by saying this. I have seen other posts where people in need auction off some of their collection or provide services for funds.

You are essentially begging here.

Anyway, all the best on your new chapter!
Everyday, I work with people that not only ask for donations, but expect and DEMAND them. Asking for money after having a kid??? Heck, many are spitting out kids as fast as they can do they can receive bigger government checks. A famous entertainer once sang, “If you can’t feed your baby, then don’t have a baby.” What a novel concept.

I know, I know, I’ll be a villain for calling out the handout grabbers, but it’s nothing new here. I’ve witnessed some extremely well off members cash grab with some kind of charity case story, and it absolutely boggles my mind. It also boggles my mind to see the lap dogs fight for their space in line to distribute some kind of handout. I truly can’t understand it. I am one of those that when I sign up to do some kind of charity event, I just pay the “donation” myself because I feel bad asking people for a penny.

But, I guess that’s just how old, cloud screaming fossils like me think. Let the attacks of tolerance begin!
Im Out GIF

Congrats on the new addition!
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I see you sold a rack of Orange Choctaw Fracs (VMR Baby #2 FUND) and also have an add for a $25 Playstation Store Card. I offered to buy the $25 card to help you out.

Also, thank you for running your 2000th Post Free Giveaway earlier this month
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Having a child is not something that is unplanned as such and you have ample time to be prepared for it.

+1 to this, my wife and I also have an unexpected pregnancy last year and 8-9 months is a long time to make adjustment and preparation

I will suggest to first start by going through your monthly bank statement / credit card statement and highlighted those expenses that is unnecessary or could be replaced by cheaper alternatives for example - gym membership vs free running at the park

What does caught us by surprise is how much baby eat and poop each day, thus underestimating the baby formula / diaper expenses by a ton at the start.

you were really that broke, I think you would be trying to sell some items of value before asking for donations

As I will like to say to all the new chippers, only buy what you can afford.

Chipping is a luxury hobby and high-end chips is really only a required security if you are regularly hosting a bigger stake game.

Also, Congratulations on the newborn baby man
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Congrats on the new baby! To add on to what @jpietrella, @RagingAZN and @DMack said, you came about it the wrong way and that was bound to ruffle some feathers. Now, don't get me wrong, there are always great people here that would more than gladly donate to a good cause in case someone is ill, a charity for cancer, etc. You are basically hoping for the generosity of said people to get you out of a financial bind and that is something that you have to do on your own. Sell things off, do side jobs on the side, do Uber Eats, etc. Find ways to supplement your income.
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CAD and USD funding options? What about Euros? Yen? GBP? AUD?

This might be the most ludicrous thing posted on the site...and we've argued over hot dogs as sandwiches, seen hard candy chips, etc.

Sell your non-essentials, cut back on all expenses, get another job...if you've exhausted all the options, maybe then you can start to beg.

He’s doing something. That couldn’t have been easy for him to post. The pressure to provide makes people do all kinds of things, even things that might not make sense to you.

Fuck that.

Whining and begging on the internet is the least amount of something that could be done.

Panhandle in person, sell your blood, or suck d*ck for $20.

All are more respectable than OP.
I’d figure several ways to make ends meet before coming to this forum but if you don’t want to give just don’t and move on.

I believe the need is genuine and the guy could have better money skills than half the folks telling him how to do just that.

I don’t know if other skills are better than those who chose to bring up those other skills but I digress.

Leave the guy be and give or don’t.
He’s doing something. That couldn’t have been easy for him to post. The pressure to provide makes people do all kinds of things, even things that might not make sense to you.
I’m quite shocked to see this take from you.

I agree, though, people do a lot of things when times get tough. Some choose to post on the Internet, while others choose to go out and work one of the countless jobs that countless employers would be happy to provide.
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