The Shoreline Cardroom (1 Viewer)


May 15, 2022
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Well, here is the sad story of my first custom set attempt that has been sitting in limbo, waiting. I originally ordered and paid for the labels back at the start of June after joining the queue at ChipUp in May. Originally ordered through ChipUp in the hopes to have the set done in time to use at my Bachelor party, but that didn't happen. After months of waiting and missed timelines, finally my labels were completed and shipped in September. About 13 weeks after ordering instead of the 3-6 week estimate. Sadly, the color matching on the quarters had an issue and they ended up not matching at all. No problems, ChipUp agreed to remake the labels and said they could be likely be redone at the end of the week.

Sadly, after a little over 2 months, this is the last update and this project has continued to sit idle on my shelf. I've been so excited to share this set and it's lessons I've learned from it, but I wanted to wait until everything was finished. But at this point, it looks like the finish line could still be months away. Sounds like ChipUp has had a rough go at life in the past 6 months so I've tried to remain patient, but I can't help but feel frustrated that instead of just getting a refund I got strung along with 6-7 different updates of "hopefully this weekend. Hopefully next week" and yet I still don't have a playable set after 6 months.

Will likely give up waiting and order the remaining labels that need to be redone through Gear. This will take some time for Chris to match the original labels and the colors together, but will be well worth it to finally finish this set off!

So anyways, after that ramble. Here's the set.

The Shoreline Cardroom

Named after the small boardwalk "Shoreline Trail" where I proposed to my then girlfriend, now wife, back in September of 2022.

The label artwork went through a few variations and after @aaron2786 worked some magic I was sold.



Got some custom cut cards done by @Potsie1 which turned out perfect! And some Acrylic DB coming in the next few months.

Overall, I'm pretty happy with the semi-final results. Obviously, the quarter need to be redone with a matched inlay. And still need to clean and oil some of the $1s and $5s.

The $1 chips seem to have been really dried out after the ultrasonic cleaning and unlike the $5s don't seem to want to restore themselves after several thorough pilings. Not sure if I wrecked them or if they were just like that originally. The sides are very rough to the touch. But the colors are still quite nice.

I do wish I added a bit of buffer between the edge of the shaped inlay and the color match. They don't look quite right, but still quite good overall.

Very happy with the label quality ChipUp did eventually send. The textured laminate feels great and the colors are very nice.

I also do wish I didn't pickup a set of milled inlay chips as cleaning off the remaining labels remnant's has been laborious and didn't turn out very good on quite a few. Nothing that ruins the set, but small nit-picks that I've noticed even after applying the labels and oiling.

But overall, I think it's a great first dable with a custom set and happy with the near final product.

Thanks to those who have contributed to this!
Man, sorry to hear all these guys have gone through. I know I produced them as round inlays, did you or chipup do the shapes adjustments?

All and all though, I think you've got a nice and unique looking set here. I love the DB and the cut cards! Hopefully gear can get your quarters squared away the way you want them to be and get you playing with them!
Man, sorry to hear all these guys have gone through. I know I produced them as round inlays, did you or chipup do the shapes adjustments?

All and all though, I think you've got a nice and unique looking set here. I love the DB and the cut cards! Hopefully gear can get your quarters squared away the way you want them to be and get you playing with them!
I did the shaped inlays. Just didn't think to add a buffer which would have helped the hub especially. Still worked, but a small buffer would have sold the effect much better.

Thanks for your help with the inlay! Looks great! Very exited to get these on the felt soon!
Neat set and nice design. You may not want to hear this, but I like the quarter as-is. In fact, I think because you have a yellow chip, and there is a section of slightly different yellow on the inlay, you might not be happy with a color match that's not dead-on perfect. Because if it's not, then you're going to have three different yellows that are all pretty close to each other on one chip. Absolute perfect color matching is very difficult. I wouldn't risk it myself when it looks as good as it does now with a clearly contrasting color.

Also, if you don't mind me asking, what's Chipup?
As for the dry $1s, check out the oiling thread. A light oil should bring them back to life.
As for the dry $1s, check out the oiling thread. A light oil should bring them back to life.
Sadly I've tried. Given them light, medium, and heavy oil and for some reason they keep the dried out feel. Might be a little OCD. Color held quite nicely at least.
Neat set and nice design. You may not want to hear this, but I like the quarter as-is. In fact, I think because you have a yellow chip, and there is a section of slightly different yellow on the inlay, you might not be happy with a color match that's not dead-on perfect. Because if it's not, then you're going to have three different yellows that are all pretty close to each other on one chip. Absolute perfect color matching is very difficult. I wouldn't risk it myself when it looks as good as it does now with a clearly contrasting color.

Also, if you don't mind me asking, what's Chipup?
The color looks a little closer in the photos I took. It's pretty far off in person. The other two color matches aren't bang on perfect, but they are close enough that it really doesn't bother me, this one just stuck out like a sore thumb. I didn't even need to compare them with the chip to know they were way off. @Gear recently did a color match for mustard on a different set and it was darn near almost perfect! My backup was and is to just switch it to a standard circle inlay if the match wasn't possible. We'll see where we go from here. Might just go to a circle and keep the SCA for an eventual $25 chip.
Nice custom set man. Also congratulations on your wedding

Neat set and nice design. You may not want to hear this, but I like the quarter as-is. In fact, I think because you have a yellow chip, and there is a section of slightly different yellow on the inlay, you might not be happy with a color match that's not dead-on perfect. Because if it's not, then you're going to have three different yellows that are all pretty close to each other on one chip. Absolute perfect color matching is very difficult. I wouldn't risk it myself when it looks as good as it does now with a clearly contrasting color.

Also, if you don't mind me asking, what's Chipup?
Kinda second this. Maybe is my colour blindness taking, but they look good as it is. If anything, some being slightly off centre would bug me more
If anything, some being slightly off centre would bug me more
If these previously had inlays and they were murdered, then there's nothing you can do about off center inlays. And if they were milled, it's still REALLY hard to get dead center perfect mills. Even if you get it perfectly aligned for one chip, the next one could be off a little just because the mold stamps aren't always perfectly centered. We're dealing with fractions of a millimeter here, so perfection is next to impossible. Also, it's a lot less obvious when looking at chips in hand than it is when looking at closeup photos like these.
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If these previously had inlays and they were murdered, then there's nothing you can do about off center inlays. And if they were milled, it's still REALLY hard to get dead center perfect mills. Even if you get it perfectly aligned for one chip, the next one could be off a little just because the mold stamps aren't always perfectly centered. We're dealing with fractions of a millimeter here, so perfection is pretty difficult. Also, it's a lot less obvious when looking at chips in hand than it is when looking at closeup photos like these.
This is exactly right. I bought these after they had been milled over the inlays. Will never do that again as it was a major PITA to remove the remaining inlay and you're left with off centre inlays and scratches etc. but yeah, in play it's very minimal and considering I bought these very used it doesn't bother me too much.

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