Bridge/Jumbo Index Issue (5 Viewers)

@desjgn ,are you still able to replace cards that get jacked up? Have one in the casino line where the corner got very bent. If not, no worries
So this question has been posed before: what should we do with the defective decks?

I say recycle them or if you find consistent color on the red decks that you can use for drawing seats. They really are useless for any games, Poker or otherwise.
Use them for art projects, make pictures commemorating final hands for league winners, epoxy them into a table top to get a submission in the fugly table thread...

I’ll take 4 and 4 cut cards if you do those as well. You can ship them with the 4 replacement setups, I can pay for any extra shipping or whatever. My original 4 setups got stolen along with a bunch of my other stuff......
Ok so I am a little livid at the moment...

The delivery was supposed to be today, but somehow the trucking company forgot to get the shipment on the truck along with other shipments coming to Utah for delivery today according to my customs rep. However, my customs rep, after having talked with the trucking company, received some updated tracking info and the shipment left LA this morning. So it is looking like there is a possibility that it will arrive tomorrow, but I suspect that it will be Thursday. My apologies for the delay and for this Kickstarter to have gone the way that it has. I hate being dependent on others, but I know that I need assistance with certain processes. I will update everyone tomorrow.
Ok decks finally came! Bare with me as I straighten out all addresses and get my ducks in a row. I have evenings free to get orders packed up and will have some time on Saturday. I will start with the King's Reward and work my way down to the 1 set orders. Thank you for your patience!
So I have all addresses squared away and I am beginning to store the shipment. Before I ship in earnest, I will be checking the decks--opening up a few from each box in the shipment so that I feel confident that these decks won't be of a concern, paying extra attention to the red ones. I want to be sure even though the sample decks I received were good. In any given production run, there could still be some bad decks/individual cards. If there is anything amiss that I see I will post it.
Hey everyone and hope your weekend has been good.

After having received the main shipment on Wednesday and opening up several decks from practically every box, I found printing consistencies, thankfully, with both red and blue decks. I waited a day and checked the open decks again on Thursday in different lighting and felt good about the reprints shipping out. Starting with the King’s Reward, most went out yesterday, and I was able to start packaging up the next tiers of rewards to go out tomorrow. As I packaged up rewards, I still checked decks for any imperfections and found a few decks along the way, mostly with a stray fleck of ink and a couple of times where the tone was off.

Will there be some imperfect decks and/or individual cards in shipments? Yes as not a single production run is without the periodic flaws. However here is the difference between the reprinted decks and those of the first production: each deck I opened had consistent color in the red (and the blue) whereas when I first heard of the ink issues In the first run, each of those decks had the noticeable tone issues no matter how many I opened. So it is my hope that all decks that you receive this time will be flawless, however, do not hesitate to contact me if you have a deck that has the color issues or a card that a stray fleck of ink or might be damaged. I have opened decks where I can easily swap out the individual cards or entire decks if need be.

Thank you for your patience throughout this ordeal and I hope that you will enjoy the decks that I had hoped you to receive the first time in October.

Shipping is quite smoother with it just being individual decks so it will go fairly quickly. My goal is to have everything shipped by next weekend. Please note that I have a number of discarded tuck boxes of another design (from the casino designs with which many of you are familiar) that I will use to help keep these new decks protected so please do not be alarmed. I figured to reuse those tuck boxes for this purpose instead of just tossing them away. As a reminder, these will be just the decks, not including the original silver-trimmed boxes.

Once I have all original Kickstarter backer rewards shipped, I will ship out decks to those who purchased from other PCF members.
Received and they look fantastic.
Thanks for staying on the ball.

Great customer service.

I always say that what makes ANY business great. Is not that they don’t make mistakes, it’s that they know how to fix it when there is one.


My replacements were on the front porch when I got home today. This is serious outstanding customer service. I'll be making sure to recommend Desjgn cards whenever I can.

Also, whenever PCF starts inducting members into the hall of fame, @desjgn needs to be a First Ballot Hall of Famer for sure.
My replacements were on the front porch when I got home today. This is serious outstanding customer service. I'll be making sure to recommend Desjgn cards whenever I can.

Also, whenever PCF starts inducting members into the hall of fame, @desjgn needs to be a First Ballot Hall of Famer for sure.

Ah thank you very much. I try my best to get things right.

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