2022 Plans/Update (4 Viewers)


3 of a Kind
Site Vendor
Sep 2, 2013
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Salt Lake City
Hello all and hope all is well with everyone. I wanted to briefly post an update as things are a little complex in the sourcing/getting product/shipping arena. I am not planning on any new releases this year as you can imagine prices have gone up in all of those aforementioned areas. I am also searching for a good plastic and maybe one that is produced here in the states. it Isn’t about getting the perfect plastic as it is subject to opinion. Some might say the best was the Classic Culture line and others say the Caicos Casino sets. It is trying to keep improving on Desjgns.

True, it isn’t the best of news not releasing anything new, but when prices dictate and me not wanting to raise prices to accommodate the costs, I think it is okay to (in a way) weather the storm a bit and be patient.

I also would like to briefly share an update on Trixie. She got to see an oncologist for her lymphoma and it was determined that it was caught early enough to proceed with chemo, which are either a pill or an injection. She has had 4 treatments so far and I am pleased to report that her blood work, immune system, etc. are all good and that her lymph nodes are no longer swollen as they were back in December. The oncologist said that it is close to being in remission And grateful for any extra time I get with her.

Thank you for all for the support and hope for a safe and healthy 2022.
Bummer to hear about nothing new in the works, but thrilled to hear about Trixie. I sent you a PM!
My first order of Desjgn Card had just arrived at my Reshipper, I can’t wait to felt them in the near future when I finally reshipped them back to Singapore

And Happy 2022 to you too
Great news on Trixie! New can wait, still love my sets of Desjgn and most of my friends order them as well after playing with mine. Best Cards I own!! IMHO
These should have been posted quite awhile ago, better late than never, along with an update.

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Trixie (she’s a border collie, springer spaniel mix) continues to have great bloodwork, normal size lymph nodes, and great immune system. She has overcome a recent uti and loves her walks in the park. Her joints are a bit problematic, even though she thinks that she shouldn’t have any difficulty in jumping and climbing stairs. Everything is a bonus though, grateful for each day. She’s pampered and loved like crazy!
It is with much sadness and heartache that I post this, but I want to first say thank you for all the outpouring of care and concern from the community. If you have a dog or pet that loves to play / chase ball, throw a ball for Miss Trixie.


This sweet, sweet girl. Miss Trixie. We said goodbye to this sweet canine today. Nothing will fill the void you leave behind, but you are no longer suffering. I miss your face, your sweet eyes, the licks, the playing of ball in the backyard, your barking at the front window, getting to take to you the park, the cuddles, the tail wags. Everything. Rest In Peace sweet canine that claimed me as hers. I love and miss you so much! ❤️❤️❤️
Sad news Jason and sorry to hear. Trixie is in Doggie Heaven now looking proudly over you.
This is definately a tough time. My thougts go out to you for sure. I'm sure Trixie and my dog Carling are having fun right now together in doggy heaven!!
Very sorry to hear.
My thoughts go with you and the balls I'll throw today for Arya will be for Miss Trixie.
Damn. The WORSE day is losing your pup. But Trixie had the best life she could have thanks to you.
It is with much sadness and heartache that I post this, but I want to first say thank you for all the outpouring of care and concern from the community. If you have a dog or pet that loves to play / chase ball, throw a ball for Miss Trixie.

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This sweet, sweet girl. Miss Trixie. We said goodbye to this sweet canine today. Nothing will fill the void you leave behind, but you are no longer suffering. I miss your face, your sweet eyes, the licks, the playing of ball in the backyard, your barking at the front window, getting to take to you the park, the cuddles, the tail wags. Everything. Rest In Peace sweet canine that claimed me as hers. I love and miss you so much! ❤️❤️❤️
Very sorry to hear Jason…
I’m a dag lover too, so many good memories but the pain when they have to go is also very intense.

Roy took Miss Trixie’s ball and will be running with it..

So sorry for your loss.

The time we have with these family members is always much too short. Dogs have the biggest hearts and give us their unconditional love.

My wife never runs around in circles, quivers in excitement, and shouts with glee when I come home. We're long past that stage in our relationship. Lulu is excited to see me when I've left to go to garage for 2 minutes. It never gets old.

Thank you so much for all the well-wishes and condolences and my apology for not responding sooner. I so miss her!

Trixie’s lymphoma was in remission so we were grateful for that. She was my roommate’s dog, but for 13.5 years she claimed me as hers and I treasure it forever. Her hind legs and hips had pretty bad arthritis starting about a month ago and mobility was spotty. She had her meds and she had her good days and bad days. Friday was a good, good day. Saturday not so much. We could treat the cancer, but couldn’t do anything about her aging body. I believe that all these animals/fur-babies are blessings to cherish and are entrusted to care and love them and we’ll get to see them again one day.

Much appreciation for all the kind words and condolences.
Very sorry to hear Jason…
I’m a dag lover too, so many good memories but the pain when they have to go is also very intense.

Roy took Miss Trixie’s ball and will be running with it..

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Hi Jason

Hope you are well….best wishes for 2023

Trixie’s ball has seen a lot of running….she will not be forgotten and goes out with Roy every day.
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