Buenos Dias from Denver! (1 Viewer)

The Big Teamer

Sitting Out
Dec 10, 2015
Reaction score
And... That's all the Spanish I got. Too many "Hello blah blah blah" in these introductory threads so I had to shake it up. Kinda like what I hope to do with my custom chip set design. More on that later.

(My apologies for the length of this post. I get long-winded sometimes)

I'm not a long time lurker on this site, I'm not a long time chip geek. But I've been assigned a chip related task which has caused me to read every chip review I can find, google and re-google different poker chip related words and phrases, and watch as many youtube chip videos as I can find the time for. I have ordered several sample sets from Apache; I have the Championship Poker Series, Dunes, Pharaoh's, Milano's and one other set that I can't remember the name of right now.

Oh wait, is it Paulson's? Isthmus City? Of course it is! OMG, I can't put them down. I carry them with me everywhere. I jingle and twirl and twiddle and shuffle and just generally make a nuisance out of myself with them. I drop them on the floor in meetings, I drop them on the bus to and from work. I wash them in soapy water when they look like they're about ready to start showing some dirt, and I dry them lovingly. I carry them up to the bedroom and put them on the nightstand and night, they're the first thing I grab when I get up in the morning. I have yet to take them in the shower with me because I think The Wife would finally break (more like snap) at that point. She's sensitive to my obsessions, it seems. I handle the other chips just so I can return to the Paulson's and feel all warm and toasty again.

I'm not a poker player, or at least not a good one, I probably play three or four nights a year and that's only because the niece and nephew are in town for the holidays and we get the cards and the cheapy chips out. So this chip fetish is a big surprise, especially the intensity of it. But damn, when you're used to plastic/metal inserts and some Paulson's show up in your mailbox, what's a man supposed to do?

This all started though, because I'm in the Air Force Reserves here in Colorado, Colorado Springs airport. I've been in my unit for a long time, I was just a punk kid when I joined them in '91 and have grown up in that unit. Well, we all get old, and some of the guys who were punk kids with me way back then are now calling it quits. They're hanging it up, retiring. I've been asked if I could find a retirement gift for them and after kicking around a bunch of ideas and weighing pro's and con's, I started looking at custom playing cards. Put our unit logo on them, maybe their name and dates of service. But it just seemed to me that the good quality cards were prohibitively expensive, and breaking the cost down, the decks were overpriced and the quantities that had to be ordered were too much. I found dananddave.com and theory11.com, found out that there are some REALLY nice decks out there but they're mostly being funded through kickstarter. U.S. Playing Cards has a custom card route but it just seemed to me that I couldn't get the quality I want for the budget I have. I refuse to hand these guys a low quality gift for their retirement.

So I needed a plan B, and something led me to poker chips. It didn't take long to see that a semi- to medium-high quality set of poker chips might be had for a couple hundred bucks, maybe less, maybe more. So I started the research. I ordered some samples. I neglected my job while I researched some more. More samples, Paulson's showed up along the way, ASM started coming up more and more. Paulson took their ball and went home, ASM didn't. ASM morphed to CPC, CPC stared showing up in a bunch of the search results. Made in U.S.A! Maine! Too cool! Then two days ago, lo and behold, a freaking online Poker Chip Design Tool. Oh man. Too easy. Didn't take me long and I was emailing back and forth with David a few times, then I was on to this site. The chip Pr0n found here is amazing! I registered this morning.

This is why I'm here - I'm pretty sure a 300 piece set of Made in the U.S.A. top of the line custom poker chips will make an awesome retirement gift. Even if the recipient isn't a poker buff, a set of these things would be damn sweet. My unit also has a deployment coming up and I think sending a couple sets with them will help them pass time and hopefully minimize opportunities for them to get into trouble. Heck, once the heavy lifting is done (the design), I can see the unit slush fund purchasing a set or two of these to give out to superior performers, airman or nco of the year winners.

I have a couple ideas I'm kicking around for the design and I'll be starting those threads before too long, maybe tonight or tomorrow. One theme will be the unit logo inlay with Blue and Orange clay colors to show our support for the local pro football team, the other will be an Air Force theme, unit logo but the colors will be representative of the aerospace mission that we're a part of. Yesterday I was in love with the blue and orange, today I'm leaning towards the aerospace theme. Once I'm able to start the thread, you'll see what I mean.

So anyway, that's me, that's why I'm here. I've read a bunch of the threads on this site already, I've kinda started noticing who's on the site and noting usernames, I've seen this community jump in and offer up suggestions on how to arrive at a good design. I would appreciate any input any of you might have and I would really hope that you all take a look at the designs and help me along the way. Hopefully the chips will turn out so nice that I get an overload of requests for a sample set. Hopefully!

As a bit of trivia, The Big Teamer username comes from the dog you see as my avatar, Stanley Steamer. Biggest dog I ever met, way bigger than his 15 pounds, cool as a cucumber. He lived a long life and once he found us he never looked back, never had a bad day. Old age gets us all, old age got him, and like the others that have went before him, he's terribly missed. But oh, what a dog. Maybe my next custom set will be devoted to all the Dogs I've loved before...

Thanks for reading.

Welcome............I never did the reserves. I was active Air Force.

Thanks for serving sir. Its appreciated.

Welcome to PCF. This is a great fucking site. Your initial post is a little disappointing. You list these chips that you have, yet you didn't post any pictures...........Us degenerates need MORE........
Well, Welcome to PCF, may your wallet be empty and your CHIP racks be full.....

Awesome story man, sounds like you have started in the right place, glad to here you did samples it is the number 1 suggestion for new chippers.

Oh, I cant forget this:
Thanks for serving....
Man I loved your welcome post. Welcome to the madness. You will find many folks here with a bunch of chip knowledge. Everyone here will be glad to help you on your journey of custom chips. Our obsession may get pricey at times but it is a great hobby with many good people. This is a great community so enjoy your stay.

If you do a set of custom chips with dogs make sure you check out @bentax1978's chips. He is working on a custom set based off of the KGB Rounders chips. If you go to
Jake KGB Rounders Mockups and check them out.

David O
Welcome aboard. Great community, great people, who all share a horrible sickness... The rabbit hole is deep sir. You have been warned, lol.

Welcome, Bienvenue, Tervetuloa, ཕེབས་པར་དགའ་བསུ་ཞུ།
But you can't get me with that stinkin Broncos line ( Lions fan for life :mad:)

Great story, thanks and welcome

I'm looking forward to seeing your design
But you can't get me with that stinkin Broncos line ( Lions fan for life :mad:)

Great story, thanks and welcome

I'm looking forward to seeing your design

EasyE, at least he's not straight out of Compton...

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