Giveaway - Cactus Pete's card guard - ends Thursday at 5pm MST (4 Viewers)

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All packages?

So milling projects, random sales, gifts, Chipcos sales, speeding ticket payments (we know you use the business to pay your personal speeding tickets), and NAMBLA dues (you sicko)?
Yes. All of the above.

Had a package from CA, USA to Belgium.

US to UK 5,000 miles
UK to Mauritius 6,000 miles
Mauritius to Belgium 5,750 miles

Total travel of 16,750 miles and took 3 months; it was one of reasons I quit int’l shipping. Glad wasn’t lost though.
I stupidly looked this up. I hope I don't end up on some sort of watch list now!
I thought about going to your post office and sweet talking Thelma Lou into giving me the answer but was worried there might be some real life Men In Black 2 thing with aliens going on there and figured I'd just guess.

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