SOLD New Greek Mold Hybrids- Pre-Designed and Customs- 10/07 (6 Viewers)

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Maybe more of a design question but I'll ask it here anyway. The samples based on photos look really, really impressive in terms of the dye sublimation of the colors. How close to the Paulson palette can these actually get? If these can closely replicate the high end colors Paulson offers like day green, sherbet green, blaze orange, canary yellow, etc, I may have a hard time staying away.
I sent @Colquhoun my designs from the Paulson chip designer. My images were in .png and I needed them to be in .ai . He did a great job doing so and cleaning it up overall. I'm really pleased with the results. In my opinion, the body/spot colors in particular strike me as being very close to what I submitted. I would expect the colors of a dye sub printed image vs a colored clay material to present differently - but that considered, these appear to be very good. Picture taken outside in sunlight:

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Justin sent me a sample of the new mold. My initial thought is this the best mold to date no question (and I actually did NOT like the look at all or the idea initially). Injection points underneath label area so not on edges.

When it comes to colors, Tina has always had great color, but the print saturation doesn’t appear as deep or as consistent throughout as cards mold. Could just be the way the mold reflects giving that illusion to me. That’s not necessarily a bad thing though. That combined with the texture of the mold make them look very clay like and almost chalky

And the 43mm is legit
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Maybe more of a design question but I'll ask it here anyway. The samples based on photos look really, really impressive in terms of the dye sublimation of the colors. How close to the Paulson palette can these actually get? If these can closely replicate the high end colors Paulson offers like day green, sherbet green, blaze orange, canary yellow, etc, I may have a hard time staying away.
Ever since the first big cards mold GB that @SeanGecko ran about three years ago, all the designers here have been trying to duplicate some of the more premium Paulson and CPC colors. Justin has some great colors here, and many others over the years have come up with good looking colors. We've definitely tried to duplicate Blaze Orange, Arc Yellow and some of the CPC Day Glo colors, with varying degrees of success. @Johnny5 got pretty close to Arc Yellow with the Aria's $20 chip. @timinater designed a custom set for me that attempted to duplicate many DG colors. We got really close on DG pink, and didn't do too bad with DG Tiger and Peacock. But as far as getting Blaze, I just don't think that one is possible. Heck, you can't even really capture that color very well in a photo, so I wouldn't expect to ever get it on a printed ceramic chip.

I'm swamped with work today, but I can try to take photos next to color chips for some of the Tina chips that I have. Probably be tomorrow at the earliest.
Justin, which designer put together the art on your pre-designed chips? I would think it would be a pretty quick job to take colors from one chip and put them on the spot pattern of another chip. I'm also interested in using some of these colors on my own full custom design. They really turned out awesome!!! Fantastic job!
I am in the same boat. Just need to change a couple colors around. If I had the RGB codes and the artwork dimensions/requirements, I could do it, but simply lifting the color from one image to drop into another could run into color-matching issues.

It's no problem, though this would be custom work. Would likely be covered off in the minimal modification fee to get it done, but it does take more than just a couple minutes and can add up quickly with several requests.
I sent @Colquhoun my designs from the Paulson chip designer. My images were in .png and I needed them to be in .ai . He did a great job doing so and cleaning it up overall. I'm really pleased with the results. In my opinion, the body/spot colors in particular strike me as being very close to what I submitted. I would expect the colors of a dye sub printed image vs a colored clay material to present differently - but that considered, these appear to be very good. Picture taken outside in sunlight:

View attachment 1202480
Italian style
I sent @Colquhoun my designs from the Paulson chip designer. My images were in .png and I needed them to be in .ai . He did a great job doing so and cleaning it up overall. I'm really pleased with the results. In my opinion, the body/spot colors in particular strike me as being very close to what I submitted. I would expect the colors of a dye sub printed image vs a colored clay material to present differently - but that considered, these appear to be very good. Picture taken outside in sunlight:

View attachment 1202480
Just a wrong spelling
Denari facili o denaro facile
Justin sent me a sample of the new mold. My initial thought is this the best mold to date no question (and I actually did NOT like the look at all or the idea initially). Injection points underneath label area so not on edges.

When it comes to colors, Tina has always had great color, but the print saturation doesn’t appear as deep or as consistent throughout as cards mold. Could just be the way the mold reflects giving that illusion to me. That’s not necessarily a bad thing though. That combined with the texture of the mold make them look very clay like and almost chalky

And the 43mm is legit
I was extremely impressed with this mold. Hands down the best one to date. I didn’t think I would be thinking of a set, but these are legit and I think I might go for it.
There’s also a difference in the face of the chip…since there’s less areas of recess, it prints with more detail. When there’s large recesses, anything printing over them can get blurry or off-color. Since they’re usually just edgespots, it’s not too much of an issue, but with the Greek mold, I think you can start adding other graphics with less loss of quality.
Would it be possible to do the Aladdin set with these?
If so, is that considered a custom chip or a pre-designed chip?
Are Aurora star 43mm available or do I have to wait for the next group buy?
Anything is available as a custom. So far none of the pre-designed are going to be made anyway.
So is there a minimum that needs to be ordered for the pre-designed for this GB?
Thread has been updated. Due to lack of demand for "Pre-designed" sets, we needed to make a change. Prices are now the same for all custom or pre-designed and a label fee will be assessed per order. Example: If four people wanted to order King's Castle then the label fee would be split up four ways. If you have a custom set you want made then you would pay the whole label fee. In most cases the label fee is $80 per set.
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