Origin of your Username (10 Viewers)

Mine's simple. Cali is short for my last name, and being from the east coast, the obvious oxymoron seemed to be a nice fit. It's become the immediate target of any bent out of shape gamers that are mad at me in fps type games. It's veeery entertaining to hear people attack my intelligence because Cali is on the west coast; they feel the need to enlighten me lol.
@merkong came about back in my competitive slow pitch softball days. Full dress uniforms (two per player), 3 hats per player (game hat, back up, bar hat), hoodies, windbreakers, cleats, bags, bats… We were heavily sponsored.

With a career 1,950 home runs, career batting average of over .725, and slugging percentage a whopping 1.379 I could really sting the ball. Roaming right center field with Buggsy to my right, K-Dog in left, and Dinner in right, we could all cover ground and had cannons for arms.

The name came about when I destroyed a pitch that was tape measured at just under 400’. Twice in back to back at bats.

“He hit that like King Kong” turned into Merkong as the “mer” part is the first half of my last name. Sometimes just Kong or Konger, I always answer to Merkong.
Lunettes=glasses. Back when I started to play I always laughed at people playing with glasses (sorry for those who do). So I thought it would be a nickname for my profil. Glassman kind of.
Digirati is a play on the term Illuminati, but for people in the Internet space.
Even if you're not giving me a good price to call....

Season 7 Reaction GIF by The Office

The 614 is part of the zip code where I live
I am Voldemort, once known as Tom Riddle, the orphan who rose to power on the wings of fear and darkness. My story is one of ambition and obsession, fueled by a thirst for immortality and dominance. Born of a union tainted by magic, I grew up in the shadows of an orphanage, where I first discovered my extraordinary abilities. Hogwarts was but a stepping stone to my ultimate goal, where I delved into the darkest arts and forged the Horcruxes that would tether my soul to the mortal world. My name became synonymous with terror, my followers bowed before me, and even death could not claim me entirely. But in the end, it was the boy who lived, Harry Potter, who brought about my downfall, shattering the fragments of my soul and sealing my fate in the annals of history. Yet, even now, whispers of my dark legacy linger, a testament to the power I once wielded and the fear I instilled in the hearts of wizards and Muggles alike. Oh, and I also like to play poker.
I am Voldemort, once known as Tom Riddle, the orphan who rose to power on the wings of fear and darkness. My story is one of ambition and obsession, fueled by a thirst for immortality and dominance. Born of a union tainted by magic, I grew up in the shadows of an orphanage, where I first discovered my extraordinary abilities. Hogwarts was but a stepping stone to my ultimate goal, where I delved into the darkest arts and forged the Horcruxes that would tether my soul to the mortal world. My name became synonymous with terror, my followers bowed before me, and even death could not claim me entirely. But in the end, it was the boy who lived, Harry Potter, who brought about my downfall, shattering the fragments of my soul and sealing my fate in the annals of history. Yet, even now, whispers of my dark legacy linger, a testament to the power I once wielded and the fear I instilled in the hearts of wizards and Muggles alike. Oh, and I also like to play poker.
Hello, Tom.
Growing up, my family called me Johnny (first name is John) and one of my favorite baseball players was Johnny Bench (#5).
Long ago in my early 20's I was inspired to write about being uninspired and apathetic. I was still at that age where it felt like something was wrong because everything in life was so damned anticlimactic and adulting was revealed to be a slog and a grind. I'd spent so much time reading books, watching movies and playing video games in my youth... I didn't realize that I was subconsciously expecting to be a main character in a shared story with 7 billion other shaven monkeys. Writing this short story started me on the path to realizing that joy and engagement are where you create them, and the main character of that story was "The Grey Kin".
I've always been fascinated by the mythical bird phoenix. I actually have a tattoo of a phoenix. I think its pretty fitting, since I have gone through traumatic experiences, and have risen from them. I have grown, I have learned a lot, and am shining brighter than I ever have. Very fitting of the name I think.

That being said, I have used this username for other things, like playing CSGO. The spelling of my name comes from the fact that I don't want to have the same name as someone else. My favorite number is 9, so I thought it would be cool to incorporate it instead of doing something basic like replacing a 'o' with a '0'. There was a professional CS player named "XYP9X" and the commentators used to pronounce it "Zipnix", so I ended up with Phoe9x, pronounced Phoenix.

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