PCF at the Movies (6 Viewers)

A2 (subject to change, I tend to appreciate most of these more after multiple viewings)


looked like fun and i could tell from a glance that my list would depart significantly from both of yours, so i put one together.

guardians is easy number one, but honestly iron man, capt america, and iron man 3 are really, really close together and could probably alternate depending on mood.

guardians of the galaxy
iron man
captain america
iron man 3
thor 2
captain america 2
incredible hulk
avengers 2
iron man 2
In the last few days we watched a couple of movies (well watched one, started another).

It Follows: low budget horror flick. I'm normally not into horror flicks unless I think their trying something a tad different. I thought this one did. I really liked it. If special effects are your thing, stay away. I really like the concept of the movie. I liked the morality issues that were present while trying to decide on how to handle the curse that was given to you.

Movie Info
After a strange sexual encounter, a teenager finds herself haunted by nightmarish visions and the inescapable sense that something is after her

Maika Monroe
http://www.rottentomatoes.com/celebrity/maika_monroe/ was the lead. She isn't a great actress by any means. I thought she carried the lead very well.

What we do in the Shadows
: Both this flick and It Follows received high praise on rottentomatos.com. This one is a comedy about a documentary crew that follows four vampires on their daily routines. The four vampires share an apartment in New Zealand.

My son and I made it about 20 minutes into this movie before turning it off and deleting the download. Just not my style of a movie
What we do in the Shadows: Both this flick and It Follows received high praise on rottentomatos.com. This one is a comedy about a documentary crew that follows four vampires on their daily routines. The four vampires share an apartment in New Zealand.

My son and I made it about 20 minutes into this movie before turning it off and deleting the download. Just not my style of a movie

i liked this one. i guess if you're not into mockumentaries you're not going to dig it, but if you like christopher guest films (waiting for guffman, best in show, etc.), it's worth a watch imo. maybe best for folks who like horror movies in the same way that waiting for guffman is particularly hilarious to people who have been involved in community theatre.
i liked this one. i guess if you're not into mockumentaries you're not going to dig it, but if you like christopher guest films (waiting for guffman, best in show, etc.), it's worth a watch imo. maybe best for folks who like horror movies in the same way that waiting for guffman is particularly hilarious to people who have been involved in community theatre.

You nailed it. I'm not really into "mockumentaries". I thought I'd at least give it a shot due to the solid reviews. I just couldn't get into it.
caught unfriended this weekend and was pleasantly surprised. i'm not much into gore porn horror and i've been sick of found footage for a while now, but this one pulled it off due in large part to it's brief running time of 1 hour and 20 minutes.

the central conceit of the movie is that you're experiencing the entire thing through a view of the protagonist's laptop screen. it opens with her skyping with her boyfriend and you see them talking for a minute or two and her messing with spotify then they bring in other friends into the skype conversation and the action picks up. it's set on the one year anniversary of the suicide of one of their friends who was the subject of a humiliating video posted on facebook and each character begins to admit to the part they played in the treatment of their deceased friend.

not top tier horror by any means and certainly won't make my top ten (or twenty) of the year, but i thought it capably did what it intended to do.
Planning on watching Water Diviner with Crowe and Maggie with Arnold sometime this week. Have you seen either one?
Planning on watching Water Diviner with Crowe and Maggie with Arnold sometime this week. Have you seen either one?

i'll be watching Maggie sometime this week. not much interest in Water Diviner.
I re-watched Idiocracy over the weekend. The more I look around these days, the closer we are to that future.

I haven't watched anything new in a week or two. Re-watching SG-1 is taking up most of my TV time.
Planning on watching Water Diviner with Crowe and Maggie with Arnold sometime this week. Have you seen either one?

i'll be watching Maggie sometime this week. not much interest in Water Diviner.

ended up watching maggie last night. nothing to write home about. obviously it's not an action film - that was made clear in all the promotional material - so my criticism isn't at all regarding the lack of action, but even apart from that, it is just boring and unoriginal.

we've seen pretty much every take on zombie movies to the point where they have lost a lot of their allegorical power. i would rather see the movie just focus on the relationship between arnold and his daughter. it's obvious that the intent of the movie was to get to some truth about that relationship and about death in such a context, but they introduce the zombie element for no reason whatsoever. it doesn't give any kind of unique perspective; it's just a skin to lay over a shallow family drama.

arnold is actually decent enough in it, though, i think because the movie only really requires him to brood and not to emote. anyway, i wanted to like it, but ultimately i was just really bored throughout.

on the upside, i ended up watching the first half of moon after maggie and it was great as always. not that they are connected in any real way, but i would recommend watching moon if you've never seen it. great, great flick.

on the upside, i ended up watching the first half of moon after maggie and it was great as always. not that they are connected in any real way, but i would recommend watching moon if you've never seen it. great, great flick.

We ended up watching about 20 minutes last night before my mother stopped by. We had to turn if off (can't watch a movie with her in the house). I was already debating not finishing it.

I agree about "Moon". Great flick. I don't think my wife has seen it. Maybe I'll DL it. Thanks.
Moon was excellent. Sam Rockwell is definitely one of my favorite actors. Confessions of a Dangerous Mind and Matchstick Men are a couple of other great movies with him that I have been meaning to re-watch lately.
Just saw ex machina.

Awesome movie.

Super engaging and griping...hard to talk about without spoilers but easily the best movie I've seen all year.

Also, AI done in a smart way...super satisfying after watching the abomination of avengers 2. Some good action I guess but a non existent story or point to the movie. It seemed like nobody was into it either, the characters could use a refresh but the villains need some major work. Ultron was an interesting concept but poorly executed.
Downloaded and watched Maggie.....meh. Think it simply couldn't work out what kind of movie it wanted to be and simply ended up being a bit of a mess.
Just saw ex machina.

Awesome movie.

Super engaging and griping...hard to talk about without spoilers but easily the best movie I've seen all year.

^^I agree. If not the best movie of the year, certainly the best SciFi in ages.

My take on Marvel movies after seeing a disappointing A2:

guardians of the galaxy
iron man
captain america 2 (top 3 in whichever order you prefer)
iron man 2
<big gap>
captain america
iron man 3
<big gap>
avengers 2
thors (1&2)
Just saw ex machina.

Awesome movie.

Super engaging and griping...hard to talk about without spoilers but easily the best movie I've seen all year.

Also, AI done in a smart way...super satisfying after watching the abomination of avengers 2. Some good action I guess but a non existent story or point to the movie. It seemed like nobody was into it either, the characters could use a refresh but the villains need some major work. Ultron was an interesting concept but poorly executed.

^^I agree. If not the best movie of the year, certainly the best SciFi in ages.

i wish i agreed with you guys. i had high hopes and they weren't met. the movie was good, but not incredible. i was not a fan of the actor who played the protagonist and i thought they investigated a couple of interesting questions, but left a ton of really inviting avenues untraveled.

in terms of recent sci-fi (very recent - i could name half a dozen or more in the last ten years that were better), i thought interstellar, even with its flaws, was a better film and under the skin was far beyond ex machina. and for AI films in particular, her asked the same questions put forward ex machina, but more on top of them and in more dynamic ways.

i'll be rewatching it at some point and with the understanding that it's more an action/suspense film than a heady sci-fi thing. alex garland, the writer/director, was the writer on some of my favorite films: 28 days later, sunshine, and never let me go. i had thought that ex machina would merge the suspense of 28 days later with the contemplation of never let me go (which i really, really loved).

sunshine was that to a degree and in an almost segregated way: the first two acts are very much about the nuts and bolts of space travel and the questions that arise as a consequence and the last act is all action and suspense. i'm not saying ex machina had to fit into this box to be good, but sunshine was an example to me of what garland is capable of and ex machina just didn't meet that expectation. good, not great.
Just watched Mad Max: Fury Road last night and I loved it. There's one segment that very slightly drags, but in reality that's maybe 10% of the movie and I don't think I have a single other complaint.

Absolutely crazy and over the top. With his having not made a movie in 30 years, I expected to see some of the cracks in George Miller's veneer. Not even close. The guy made one of the most enjoyable movies I've seen all year. The cinematography was amazing, the action scenes (the movie is basically one giant action scene) are perfectly choreographed and it's not overwritten at all.

Just like the Road Warrior, cultural issues inform the story, but he doesn't make the mistake of trying to beat you over the head with allegory and morality. It's just an insane ride in a completely enthralling universe. Highly recommended.
Watched Kingsmen yesterday. Entertaining enough but a bit meh.
Finnally watched interstellar yesterday.

Just wow, I'm not a big sci fi person but this movie had me at the edge of my seat. Very well done.
Finnally watched interstellar yesterday.

Just wow, I'm not a big sci fi person but this movie had me at the edge of my seat. Very well done.

Chris Nolan rarely disappoints.

Just watched Mad Max: Fury Road last night and I loved it. There's one segment that very slightly drags, but in reality that's maybe 10% of the movie and I don't think I have a single other complaint.

Absolutely crazy and over the top. With his having not made a movie in 30 years, I expected to see some of the cracks in George Miller's veneer. Not even close. The guy made one of the most enjoyable movies I've seen all year. The cinematography was amazing, the action scenes (the movie is basically one giant action scene) are perfectly choreographed and it's not overwritten at all.

Just like the Road Warrior, cultural issues inform the story, but he doesn't make the mistake of trying to beat you over the head with allegory and morality. It's just an insane ride in a completely enthralling universe. Highly recommended.

What I loved is that, despite being a big chase from start to finish, there isn't a repeated shot or stunt in the entire movie. Every character had enough motivation for their actions. Highly recommended :).
Re watching both Kill Bill movies...............just in the mood to watch Uma kick ass.
saw two disappointing movies and one absolute classic in theaters over the holiday weekend.

the disappointing first: tomorrowland and pitch perfect 2. i didn't necessarily have huge hopes for tomorrowland, but with damon lindelof writing, i was expecting at least some interesting plot devices and maybe a mindfuck or two. no such luck. how it's possible to make this story boring is beyond me, but they succeeded. the structure of the movie was terrible as well. i'm not a fan of framing devices in general, but they work even less where every POV - the framing device and the multiple flashback perspectives - are filled with bad actors and bad writing. it's too bad, too, because the bare bones of the story do lend themselves to interesting questions. with so many places to go, they chose the simplest and least compelling.

i was a fan of the first pitch perfect. it wasn't some transcendent experience, but it was fun in exactly the way it was intended to be. unfortunately, no such luck in the second installment. literally no one was funny. and they put waaaaay too much emphasis on this new freshman girl and invested way too much in the false tension between anna kendrick and brittany snow's characters. the worst of it was an absolutely bizarre string of ethnic jokes through the movie. i have no problem with ethnic humor when it's done in a funny way and with a realistic attitude about the perspective of the speaker of the joke. but the jokes were honestly so formulaic and uninteresting that i was just confused. sadly, this was elizabeth banks' feature length directorial debut. for all its flaws, i will say that the finale performance was actually pretty great, though it couldn't redeem the rest. but i would still gladly rewatch the original and pretend this doesn't exist.

finally, i saw the shining at a midnight screening and it was fucking amazing as it always is. i saw it a while back in a late night screening during a stanley kubrick festival, so this wasn't my first time with it on the big screen, but i could probably watch this once a month for the rest of my life and not get enough of it. so much nuance and as someone who very, very rarely gets actually frightened during movies, this one can do it to me. the only complaint i have has nothing at all to do with the actual movie, but with the documentary room 237 that came out a couple years ago. it was highly - though undeservedly - praised and its many ridiculous theories about the movie now draw my attention to things that can occasionally take me out of the film. still a great watch, though and highly recommended, of course.
I viewed Pitch Perfect a few months ago, thought it was one of the worst films I've ever seen.
I liked Pitch Perfect. I don't plan on seeing PP2.

Hit the Mad Max flick on MON. Really liked it. The story/action sequences/and the WTF moments were awesome.
Charlize and Hardy nailed it.

I don't normally scary/horror flicks. For some reason I downloaded Insidious. The first half was tolerable. The second half was not.
i didn't necessarily have huge hopes for tomorrowland, but with damon lindelof writing, i was expecting at least some interesting plot devices and maybe a mindfuck or two. no such luck. how it's possible to make this story boring is beyond me, but they succeeded. the structure of the movie was terrible as well. i'm not a fan of framing devices in general, but they work even less where every POV - the framing device and the multiple flashback perspectives - are filled with bad actors and bad writing. it's too bad, too, because the bare bones of the story do lend themselves to interesting questions. with so many places to go, they chose the simplest and least compelling.

This is disappointing. The trailer had me very intrigued, and I had planned on taking my 8-year-old to see it. We probably will still go check it out, but my expectations have been appropriately adjusted.
I enjoyed the first Pitch Perfect, but have no desire whatsoever to see the second one. Tomorrowland I was thinking about, but everything I read about it pushes me further and further away.

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