Recently sick player, let him play? (1 Viewer)


Mar 31, 2021
Reaction score
Rapid City, SD
One of my players, a co-worker and friend of mine, has been sick since Saturday. He texted this morning (Wednesday) and says his symptoms are subsiding (fever, sneezing, achy, phlegmy, sore throat, sniffles), he says it isn't covid.

We have a game this Friday, should I let him play? Am I stupid and worried over nothing? I just don't want a bunch of my players getting sick and then blaming me for letting him keep his seat. :(
Yeah, the fever is basically the yardstick here. If it's still active, he's probably still contagious and should sit out. If it's been gone for a while (24 hours makes sense), and he doesn't have any other nasty symptoms like endless mucus draining out of his face,* he's probably good.

Doesn't necessarily mean he's contagious, but no one wants to sit at a table for hours handling cards and chips with someone who's constantly wiping/blowing his nose.
3 Mondays ago a guy went to a game and “wasn't feeling great.” I wasn’t at that game. Thursday I hosted and a couple guys from that game came to my house. Friday, I went to a game with some folks from the Monday game. By Sunday everyone, and I mean everyone, had Covid including me. IMO, if someone is sick or just getting over being sick, stay the f$&k home. There is always an another game. No need to push it. Just my opinion.
If Im sick I cancel and if I have no symptoms I usually wear a mask if it’s recent, just cuz I don’t like to get others sick. If I see others sick and constantly wiping their nose, I assume ima get sick…
Let me be straight with my answer. Who gives a fuck if it's COVID, the common cold or a pneumonia? I don't. Call him, tell him that as long as he has symptom of every sort he isn't welcomed. Make sure that your group of player know that rule.

Way before the COVID shit show I had hand sanitizer offered to my player. I'm no paranoid dude. It's just a matter of common sense. As a teacher I do the same since day one. Bottle of sanitizer in the classroom and students are welcome to use it. I think it's the most important point: hand hygiene.

Now I thought that during/after COVID people had learned the basics. But actually not... They wore their mask and took their jab because they had been told to do so. Have they learned? Not at all. Always the same suspect showing to my place with a runny nose. I tell them thanks for the visit and see you next time.

Long story short. Set your rule: no symptoms. "enforce it" with class. Move on!
If the player has no symptoms, then yes let him play.

But if he's still coughing, sniffling, sneezing, keep him away. It's not just the players at the game he's putting at risk of getting sick, it's their families/friends as well.

There's always another game to be had!
Funny, we had the same thing happen in our game this week, but the player admitted he still wasn't feeling well and said he wouldn't play (even though that meant we did not have enough player to play). Everyone was on board with his decision. Who needs to get sick if you can avoid it?
Hmmm sick all week missing work but much better by Friday poker. lol

Also it is allergy season for a lot of people.
One reason why the "take yourself out of life until you have zero symptoms" approach is a shade too far, like virtually all zero-tolerance approaches.

Some people have allergy symptoms that last months and look similar to cold symptoms. Sometimes this even happens to people who don't have allergies but are recovering from something on a long timeline (e.g., weeks of congestion, lethargy, or scratchy throat after a bout of Covid). Should they avoid other people indefinitely when they present no danger to anyone?

Same for chronic conditions that result in cold-and-flu symptoms like coughing, difficulty breathing through the nose, etc. I play regularly with folks who have COPD, hyper-sensitivity to smells, and other things that make them cough and sneeze. They're never going to be symptom-free. Should I permanently exclude them?

There are issues that call for a nuanced approach, and this is one of them.
So many voices of reason??? WTF has happened here?!?!?!
One of my players, a co-worker and friend of mine, has been sick since Saturday. He texted this morning (Wednesday) and says his symptoms are subsiding (fever, sneezing, achy, phlegmy, sore throat, sniffles), he says it isn't covid.

We have a game this Friday, should I let him play? Am I stupid and worried over nothing? I just don't want a bunch of my players getting sick and then blaming me for letting him keep his seat. :(

Fever free for 24 hours and I'd say ok

Fever free for 24 hours is the guidance our schools are now giving to the kids even if it is COVID. (We had COVID in the house last November.) FWIW, 24 hours fever free or after vomiting was a standard daycare rule even before COVID.

I think that's more than sufficient now. COVID isn't a sentence to a hospital anymore the way it may have been in the early 2020. And any activity involving 8-10 people carries this risk you can only do so much to mitigate. I would check on him tonight, and see where he is. But I don't need see a need to disinvite players anymore for this unless it's as outward as @NotRealNameNoSir so graphically put it.
Don't worry about it, build some herd immunity, don't be hypochondriacs.

We get this question at work and social situations in a pool of parents with young children. Everyone always has a cold because children, if society can't continue through that, there are bigger problems.
:ROFL: :ROFLMAO: figures, if my Polish in-laws heard a hint there was influenza virus nearby they'd be queuing for emergency antibiotics supplies in full hats and scarfs in summer weather with flasks of rosol soup. I'm the other way, I hope the children get a balance :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:
:ROFL: :ROFLMAO: figures, if my Polish in-laws heard a hint there was influenza virus nearby they'd be queuing for emergency antibiotics supplies in full hats and scarfs in summer weather with flasks of rosol soup. I'm the other way, I hope the children get a balance :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:
Rosół is always safe choice
If I would slow dance with someone and take them to a nice seafood dinner at red lobster, they are allowed. If I wouldn't wanna have dinner and a slow dance because I wouldn't wanna get sick, they can stay home.
In my opinion this is their choice, not yours. If they feel like they are well enough to come, they come. If they don’t, they don’t. There’s no way for you to know how sick they are.

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