SCAM ALERT: Poppin Returns as scoobycheesydoooo (5 Viewers)

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Sounds like you have a car in that parking lot. You seem pretty close to poppin, maybe closer than we think.
Threaten threaten threaten that’s all you fucks know about. Don’t like it much when it comes your way I see.
Tell him to start paying back money, any amount back as a starter
Imagine being the guy outraged that people are wanting to find the guy that scammed people out of $20k+
Yeah now we all want to know what is your connection to poopin??
I agree of course that violence is never a solution.

But there are too many people trying to (kind of) defend poopin... At least till he reappeared..
Well, all I can say is there is a reason I and many others have blocked spacemonkey420.
The fact u speak for many others is a complete joke in it itself and a blatant lie. Your little click is just that. Besides What’s your need or beef anyways? Still ridin Biden? lol Hang on. It will get worse. All u do is lie and mislead, don’t mistake. We have been down this road when u spoke for everyone last time and lied and said I didn’t win your weekly
Tourneys. Wanna see the screen shots again of me spanking you over and over or did you forget again! ? Lol #HashTagHowMuchHaveYouHadToDrinkTonight #ImStillAntiMask #JustBecauseYouBelieveYourLieWontMakeItTrue
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