Star Wars The Force Awakens Discussion Thread (1 Viewer)

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30 minutes to start. My 9 year old to my left and giant tub of popcorn. In heaven.
Easy 5/5. I was grinning throughout. I have more obviously but I'll try to absorb a bit before bothering to try to organize my thoughts.
Saw it last night, very awesome. Well worth a watch IMO.

I think all the dad's out there can appreciate this...the very best part for me was the big, goofy grin my daughter had for 2+ hours watching it. Every time someone or something familiar made an appearance she would smile and clasp her hands together. I probably watched her more than the movie. Easily the best part of the movie for me :) For a couple hours I think she was truly happy which made it all worthwhile. Not sure how many movies these days have that sort of effect.
Some observations without spoilers:

- Great performances all around. That black guy was honestly hilarious at a couple points and not in a so-cheesy-it's-funny way. Just really funny.
- That escape scene from Jakku was amaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing.
- So, so, so many plot points/sets/scenes that matched almost identically with A New Hope. Not sure whether this is good/bad/neutral yet.
- The use of practical effects and costumes instead of CGI really made the difference. This actually looks like Star Wars.

I'll be seeing this in the theater at least once more before it leaves and I can't wait for Episode VIII.
So non spoiler question that is going to skirt up to spoilers. I am taking my nearly seven year old daughter to see this tonight but have been warned there will be some tough stuff for her in the movie. Someone told me "there's a point in this move that rips your heart out." Without revealing anything concrete will she be ok?
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So non spoiler question that is going to skirt up to spoilers. I am taking my nearly seven year old daughter to see this tonight but have been warned there will be some young stuff for her in the movie. Someone told me "there's a point in this move that rips your heart out." Without revealing anything concrete will she be ok?

I think she will be okay. There is a dramatic climax to one character's arc, but I don't think it's inappropriate for a young child. Certainly if you don't think Empire was too "dark" for her, this one will be totally fine.
So non spoiler question that is going to skirt up to spoilers. I am taking my nearly seven year old daughter to see this tonight but have been warned there will be some tough stuff for her in the movie. Someone told me "there's a point in this move that rips your heart out." Without revealing anything concrete will she be ok?

My daughter is 12 so that's not much help but FWIW I'd take her if she was 7. There was nothing inappropriate in the movie for kids. The scene you mention is not anything you can't discuss with her afterwards if she were to have questions plus she's likely seen far worse on TV or the news. Agree with @jbutler if you watched Empire with her this is fine.
Some observations without spoilers:

- Great performances all around. That black guy was honestly hilarious at a couple points and not in a so-cheesy-it's-funny way. Just really funny.
- That escape scene from Jakku was amaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing.
- So, so, so many plot points/sets/scenes that matched almost identically with A New Hope. Not sure whether this is good/bad/neutral yet.
- The use of practical effects and costumes instead of CGI really made the difference. This actually looks like Star Wars.

I'll be seeing this in the theater at least once more before it leaves and I can't wait for Episode VIII.

I think the similarities to A New Hope are great! Some of the darker scenes echoed Empire as well. Great start to the new set. I was excited to see it but I really didn't think it would affect me as much as it did.

For how long the movie was, it was paced perfectly.
I remember watching this a while back and thinking, "God, I hope he's right." If Kevin Smith doesn't grate on your nerves (I know he does grate on plenty), check out his enthusiasm having been on set of Episode VII. He was totally right that JJ Abrams captured what was special about Episodes IV-VI.

Seeing it Saturday noon or so with my niece and nephew. (y) :thumbsup:
Going tonight at 11:45p at one of the AMC theaters where you get to recline. If CLB passes out before then, then I'll have more room to stretch out :-)
Meant to mention before that when I got out of the movie at 1:55 last night I ALMOST tried to get into the one starting at 2:00 to watch it again immediately. I was psyched to see a couple other things this weekend, but to be honest I just want to go back and see the Force Awakens again...
"That's not how the force works!"

Funnier than I expected. Very fast pacing.

I was all in preflop for this film, and there was not a bad beat by the river.
So non spoiler question that is going to skirt up to spoilers. I am taking my nearly seven year old daughter to see this tonight but have been warned there will be some tough stuff for her in the movie. Someone told me "there's a point in this move that rips your heart out." Without revealing anything concrete will she be ok?
I think you're ok. My 9 yo hid a few times for intense scenes and sound effects. Speaks to the gripping narrative. He loved it and the scene to which you refer is emotional but not scary
- So, so, so many plot points/sets/scenes that matched almost identically with A New Hope. Not sure whether this is good/bad/neutral yet.

It rubbed me the wrong way, unfortunately. Sort of felt like Abrams was poking me in the ribs and going "Hey, remember when this thing happened in Star Wars? Watch! It's happening again! Remember how awesome that was?" He did the same sort of thing with Into Darkness and Wrath of Khan... make your own moments, JJ, don't reuse all the old ones cuz they're cool. It makes it feel like a fanfic. When he does it with sets, costumes and and matching the look and feel, I loved it. Plots and scenes are a different matter (especially when the characters are the same in a lot of instances, don't they remember this stuff?). Jurassic World felt a little less clunky doing the same kind of things, for whatever reason.

I still don't have any clue what the hell the First Order is or the relationship between the republic and the resistance. Maybe that's fine to leave for the other movies though. Could have borrowed one long exposition conversation in front of a green screen from the prequels to explain some shit, maybe.

At least Abrams got rid of his lens flair fetish before doing this one. I think my expectations and anticipation were a little too high going into it, looking for the wrong kind of payoff. It was a Star Wars movie that felt like a Star Wars movie, which is an amazing thing considering Lucas failed to make one three times in a row.
It rubbed me the wrong way, unfortunately. Sort of felt like Abrams was poking me in the ribs and going "Hey, remember when this thing happened in Star Wars? Watch! It's happening again! Remember how awesome that was?" He did the same sort of thing with Into Darkness and Wrath of Khan... make your own moments, JJ, don't reuse all the old ones cuz they're cool. It makes it feel like a fanfic. When he does it with sets, costumes and and matching the look and feel, I loved it. Plots and scenes are a different matter (especially when the characters are the same in a lot of instances, don't they remember this stuff?). Jurassic World felt a little less clunky doing the same kind of things, for whatever reason.

I still don't have any clue what the hell the First Order is or the relationship between the republic and the resistance. Maybe that's fine to leave for the other movies though. Could have borrowed one long exposition conversation in front of a green screen from the prequels to explain some shit, maybe.

At least Abrams got rid of his lens flair fetish before doing this one. I think my expectations and anticipation were a little too high going into it, looking for the wrong kind of payoff. It was a Star Wars movie that felt like a Star Wars movie, which is an amazing thing considering Lucas failed to make one three times in a row.

The thing about JJ Abrams as a director (substantially distinguishable from JJ Abrams as a producer/writer) is that he is essentially a cipher. He can present other worlds created by other people and even mimic directorial styles almost identically. That style applied to the Star Wars world almost inevitably leads to the type of film as we have here.

As I said earlier, that's not by definition a bad thing to me, but it is what keeps this, a great movie, from being one of the best movies of the year. While I disagree that the movie needed expository conversations of the kind found in the prequels, I will say that the movie could have used the more complex world-building that George Lucas is good at. Lucas has the structural ability to put all those things in place, but is fairly incompetent at executing on the story and script once the worlds are built where Abrams, who didn't here exhibit the broad structural talent of Lucas, can execute nearly perfectly on the story and script. That, when paired with his general directorial skill, makes for a much more satisfying experience than the prequels.

And that's what I found the Force Awakens - a joyously satisfying experience. But even that feels like I'm putting it too softly. It was absolute, unmitigated fun, probably the most fun I've had at the movies this year, perhaps apart from Mad Max: Fury Road, but very close just in sheer enjoyment.

I think it would be fun on a second and third watch (or maybe third and fourth so I can just enjoy the second again without thinking too much) to try to find all the nearly exactly analogous scenes, lines, settings, edits, etc. that match between the Force Awakens and the original trilogy. There are many. And sure, that keeps it from being a transcendent film, but the ability of JJ Abrams and Lawrence Kasdan to bring the perfect spirit to the story and the movie comes from the same place that drives them to match so much from the previous films, so it's hard to look that gift horse in the mouth.

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