Vetting new players (1 Viewer)


Oct 2, 2023
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What’s your process for vetting new players? Obviously, inviting people you don’t know well to your home game to play for significant amounts of money can be scary. Do you all have a normal process or specific questions you like to ask?
I recently had a guy bow out because he claimed I was asking too many questions.
He text me from an out of state area code to begin with and bowed out when I asked him what he did for work.
What’s your process for vetting new players? Obviously, inviting people you don’t know well to your home game to play for significant amounts of money can be scary. Do you all have a normal process or specific questions you like to ask?
I recently had a guy bow out because he claimed I was asking too many questions.
He text me from an out of state area code to begin with and bowed out when I asked him what he did for work.
Dodged a bullet.

I usually meet them first, and then invite them to a game. If I dont want to watch a game or drink a beer with them I dont want them wasting space at my table, friendly game.
Dodged a bullet.

I usually meet them first, and then invite them to a game. If I dont want to watch a game or drink a beer with them I dont want them wasting space at my table, friendly game.
Good point. One guy I had a meetup with at a casino game first. Felt him out and invited him to the home game the following week. Seemed to work well.
I’m very lucky to have two regular tables going so any new people generally come through acquaintances or friends of the regulars.

When starting out I used to have a chat with them on the phone and get an idea of the type of person they were.
What’s your process for vetting new players? Obviously, inviting people you don’t know well to your home game to play for significant amounts of money can be scary. Do you all have a normal process or specific questions you like to ask?
I recently had a guy bow out because he claimed I was asking too many questions.
He text me from an out of state area code to begin with and bowed out when I asked him what he did for work.

How are you recruiting? Are they complete strangers?
Last “new” guy to my game was @Hornet several years ago. Seemed to work out well.

Once in a while one of my regulars will recommend someone they met at a different game. But now the game fills up with regulars so fast it is difficult to get new players in.

Many years ago when our group was growing through, we would have bar meetups so new people interested in playing could meet us and see if we got any psycho vibes off them.
I am not the only host for my group (they use my chips and cards and Barrington, but at least it isn't my house). New people can play there first before they come to my home.
Look them up in Hendon Mob. Ask for a social media account - facebook, Linked-In. Search for the name (with location of where they live or the phone number) on Google. I must be able to verify they are who tehy say they are. I ask new players if they already know someone in my league and I ask my league players if they know so-n-so. I think it is reasonable to ask what a person does for a living. You can ask where else they play. I'd say that if someone is turned off by being vetted to play at my house then I probably don't want them at my house.

WE don't handle cash, using Venmo instead (I run tournaments, not cash). I let new prospective players know this right up front to send the message "there is no cash in my house".

I only allow one unknown new player per game-I definitely don't want to give multiple unknowns a chance to team up. A plyer is a new player until they've played 3 games. All interested "new players" must compete each week for that single new player seat by sending me the buy in for the seat on a first come first serve basis.

People have to really want to play in my league and pay some dues to become a league member. You're not going to play in my league if you are just passing through town!

Hope some of these ideas are useful.
Hive Kueen
I’m pretty paranoid about new players because my chips are all out in the open for a new guy to see, so new players have to be recommended by trusted members that they aren’t a risk to my stuff being stolen or appropriated chip by chip. Also they must be respectful of the other players at the game, any huge assholes will be politely not invited back so as not to sow any ill will. Definitely a touchy situation but if your game isn’t growing, it’s most likely dying.
Friends, acquaintances, coworkers, etc. of regular players only. Player who invites new guy vouches for them, and is responsible for their behavior.
Exactly this. Our poker league started basically just by inviting people we enjoyed spending time around from the billiards scene in our city, and a core group of high-school friends. From there, we allowed players to "vouch" for players to add, but we made the vouchers swear that the new players would fit our group personality-wise. So far it's worked great, we have about 50 regular players and very little conflict.

Recruit based on personality as consideration #1.
Friends, acquaintances, coworkers, etc. of regular players only. Player who invites new guy vouches for them, and is responsible for their behavior.
Staring Star Wars GIF by Disney+
I’ve never invited a player I didn’t already know from another game, or who wasn’t strongly recommended by an existing reg.
I do most of my recruiting through work and friends. Only players who have played can vouch for another player.
Much like everyone says above, all great ways to approach it.

I’ve had a hiccup once, outside of that it’s been smooth sailing inviting folks.
I have a rule that if you want to have someone play in my league, the person that you want to bring, you have to be able to trust them in your house, alone, with all of your stuff. If you can, then that is good enough for me. I fully 100% trust all of my regular players to do that in mine. If the new player comes to play, and for whatever reason they rub someone the wrong way, the newb is not invited back. I like my core of 18+ players, and I would never jeopardize what I have, which is an awesome group of players.
Friends, acquaintances, coworkers, etc. of regular players only. Player who invites new guy vouches for them, and is responsible for their behavior.
This is the best way to go. Have to be invited by a current player and that person vouches for them. Current players will think twice about who they bring into the group if their reputation is on the line.

I introduce the new person before the game starts and say “this is Bob, he’s friends with John”.
The only strangers I’ve had at my game have been PCF guys and they’ve all been great. I’m not really interested in having anybody I don’t know at my game, so I don’t really recruit at all. Bring a friend - if you trust him, I’ll trust him. But I’m not putting up want-ads. We’re only playing for quarters anyway, so I guess there’s less to worry about with low stakes.

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