SOLD Judge's Garage Sale (Everything at what I paid) (2 Viewers)

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Apr 9, 2020
Reaction score
Rating - 100%
19   0   0
So with some people deciding what is fair or not fair in selling I am going to stick to what I hope this community is. I am selling everything at what I paid for them or less. I am not even including what I paid for shipping. Hopefully this can help someone try out some chips, help start a collection, or help with their collecting. I think this community is great and I hope we can keep trading chips back and forth just having fun with a hobby, not an investment vehicle.

Shipping not included in prices

PNY $25 Rack - $125 (Rack not included) - Dibs

Lady Luck $1 Barrel - $20 - Dibs
Horseshoe Cinci $1 Barrel - $10 - Dibs
Roadhouse $1 (10) - $20


Kash Sample Set - $7 (5 kash label removed) - Dibs
Funsters Sample Set - $4.50 - Dibs


PNY $1 - $3.50 each
PNY $2.50 - $8 - Dibs
Horizon $5 - $3
Newcastle OKC 0.50 - $0.50 - Dibs


Empress $5 (10) - $15 - Dibs

Lucky 21 $5 (3) and $25 (3) - $1.50 each

Copa $500 - $9 - Dibs

Loving this hobby everyone and hope we can keep trying to build up our collections together.
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Dibs on the PNY $25s for @RudysNYC?
Many thanks for thinking of me @gopherblue but now's a terrible time for me to dive head first into a clay set. I know myself too well, if I'm staring at a rack of $25s it'll be mere weeks if not days before I'm spending my last dollar on all the $1s $5s and $100s I can find lol. My PNY shuffle stacks and sample set are going to have to keep me satisfied for now :bag::bag:

Hopefully they go to someone who appreciates the glory that is PNY, GLWS @judgeanjury :tup::tup::tup:
Very impressed. Dibs on the PNY $25s for @RudysNYC.
Many thanks for thinking of me @gopherblue but now's a terrible time for me to dive head first into a clay set. I know myself too well, if I'm staring at a rack of $25s it'll be mere weeks if not days before I'm spending my last dollar on all the $1s $5s and $100s I can find lol. My PNY shuffle stacks and sample set are going to have to keep me satisfied for now :bag::bag:

Hopefully they go to someone who appreciates the glory that is PNY, GLWS @judgeanjury :tup::tup::tup:
Dibs released. Hella deal. Well done, @judgeanjury.
This is a great gesture! Really want the $25’s but can’t use them currently. Not gonna take that opportunity from someone who really needs them.
I'll take the Kash sample

if I remove the Kash labels there is full tilt underneath all right?
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