If you want, and if seller is ok, we can share Id take lcv mold chipswhat price for the 15 x 500 empress ? might have an interest if donclay doesnt and price is decent
Oh no no no no! Since I am out on the $25, I certainly do not need any $5. Sorry for the confusion. I am going to build a different set. Out on these altogether.200 x $1 - Psypher1000?
400 x $5 - liftapint?
100 x $25- Don Clay?
80 x $100 - Psypher1000?
15 x $500 - Don Clay, LuckBox?
5 x $1000 - BGinGA
I am in line for the Empress $100s if The Price Is Right
Love those BCCs. I need to get me a set of BCCs next!
I haven't seen the Mardi Gras set before. I'll have to check them out.
Man I am in love with those BCC Grand Cardrooms chips. This is a bad forum. A bad, bad forum...
If you are not familiar with BCC chips on the MGK mold, be advised that they are merely fantastic. If my group played cash games at all, that set would have sold in minutes.
EDIT: and I see it's now sold. Congrats to somebody!
Based on that GCR sale price, I have a pretty epic MGK set that almost never sees play that I probably can't justify hanging onto any longer. And it has quarters.
If you are not familiar with BCC chips on the MGK mold, be advised that they are merely fantastic.
Based on that GCR sale price, I have a pretty epic MGK set that almost never sees play that I probably can't justify hanging onto any longer. And it has quarters.
I'd be interested in a BCC MGK set as well, as long as it doesn't have those hideous giant inlays of course. Which would pretty much nullify any value they would have otherwise had in my eyes.