Advocating For A Better Chip Museum and Explaining Set Collecting to the Chipboard (8 Viewers)

Wow dude you really misinterpreted my post. Educating the collector just means giving historical perspective to chips so they can be better appreciated. I have nothing against set collectors as I am one as well. But yeah Fuck You Too
My apologies. Post retracted.
Absolutely love this, thanks for sharing! and what a great line up! Also it looks like I’ve paid too much for my 50c :LOL: :laugh:
Oh Jesus I copied and pasted the text for each cell and forgot to change that. What did you pay for your 50c? I'm not sure I even want to put pricing in there unless its a fully transparent system with people being able to input what they have seen or paid for a chip themselves. Feels like a conflict of interest.
I don’t really care what or why someone collects, I’d just like to see the chips be “used.” Whether that means building playable sets, putting singles in a display, or even murdering chips in order to complete a set, I’m fine with all of it. The only thing that slightly bothers me is the thought of people hoarding huge collections that rarely, if ever, see the light of day. It’s a free country, people can spend their money however they want, but there is part of me that thinks if you aren’t going to put those chips to good use (in some form) maybe it’s best if you sell/trade them to someone who will.
I really like this idea. I have a couple rarer sample sets that I’d be happy to scan or take pictures of if you need them. I think MOGH has every chip I’ve got as scans, but I’m all for moving away for thier website and creating one of our own. I think @Tommy expanding the ChipDB would be nice especially if we started adding sets to there. But, I’m happy to help in any way I can. Also it’s nauseating that MOGH has raised $250k and all they have to show for it are 2 websites that are borderline unusable.
Great read. Thanks for sharing. Gives me some new perspective to the other side of the hobby.
Some other recommended reading is:’s-chipping-journey-in-pr0n0graph1c-detail.60841/

Edit: I didn’t realize you had joined in 2014 and thought you were new since you had 28 posts. Those threads are still worth a look if you haven’t already been through them though.
What scares me is milling and murder.
Me too. I think a resource to get the history out there, could perhaps help with this?
I am truly sickened by some of the chips that have been murdered.

Wanna murder NAGB chips? Fine. But murdering chips from Vegas and Reno card rooms....disgusting.
History lessons, to the rescue!

(edit: I'm a hypocrite)

Yes, I’ve murdered a few racks of PdCs, and thus I’m a bit of a hypocrite, but milling/murdering is a slippery slope and I regret my tiny contribution to opening Pandora’s box. There are folks out there so, so desperate for a “custom” set or a set with all denoms from the same casino, that they’d vandalize any irreplaceable chip they could get their hands on.

Modern NAGB chips? Starbursts? Modern, current issue chips? Murder away. But anything else? You’re destroying history.

Yes, I’ve murdered a few racks of PdCs, and thus I’m a bit of a hypocrite, but milling/murdering is a slippery slope and I regret my tiny contribution to opening Pandora’s box. There are folks out there so, so desperate for a “custom” set or a set with all denoms from the same casino, that they’d vandalize any irreplaceable chip they could get their hands on.

Modern NAGB chips? Starbursts? Modern, current issue chips? Murder away. But anything else? You’re destroying history.
It's.... It's like I never even knew you......
We definitely do need an online museum that can showcase chips, photos, articles, write ups, videos and more. Something that everyone can access easily and have a fun time go from page to page on a website. It would be SO beneficial for the hobby that there could be a place where you could literally read along and see pictures of items you've never seen before or newspaper articles and things like that. A website or database like this has been needed for some time and I know the CG has been trying to do it. I feel like it is stuck now. There's changes that need to be made over there to move it forward and incorporate things that all of us would love to see.

You guys know I'm all about history and preserving it. That's the whole reason I make the videos I do, research what I can and so on. It's important to understand where chips have come from, who might have been running these places, the early days, how places burned down and more. I get happy and excited figuring out new information that I haven't known about before. Hell, I got STUPID excited when I read the TR King order cards that they had hot stamped $25s at New China Club :ROFL: :ROFLMAO: I noticed that there weren't many videos online talking about the history of these casinos and I wanted to make sure that it could be on an easily accessible platform like YouTube that everyone around the world would be able to watch. Even if you aren't into casinos or chips, you can still watch them to maybe learn about the casino that you might be staying at. I've mainly only done videos about casinos in Nevada and one or two out of state, but that is something I'd like to dive deeper into. I saw many comments that international collectors don't have a connection to some of these chips that we think about as "grail" or "historical" chips. For example, Pick Hobson Riverside, I saw some murdered the other week and I was like "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DID THIS............." That's how I feel because I'm about the history and sure I'd love to build a set of those one day, but the person who owns them said that "I think what people have got to understand is that, for us Brits, the history and nostalgia behind these American casinos probably isn't quite as important — and we want TRKs with £ denoms!" After reading that I can 100% agree with him. I've noticed that there aren't many chips out there at least international ones that us that live in the states would want that I've seen. I know plenty of people want the Playboy TRKs and I do too, they are sick! Thistle Club is up there too, but not many others come to mind. International casinos is something I'd love to dive deeper into because they just aren't talked about. Places like Aviation Club de France, Casino de Monte-Carlo, Baden-Baden, Playboy Club and larger places like that people know about. The average person wouldn't though.

Preserving gaming history is important. Whether that be California, Nevada, the US, Europe, Asia, Australia and anywhere else that has had gaming and still does. The chips are the same way, it's like a talking piece if someone new comes to visit or if you have buddies over having a good time. I'd be interested to talk about a chip set that is on the table or in a showcase at someone's house. Hearing a story about how they were acquired or if the owner knew history about those chips would make my day. On top of that there are tons of people on here that have spent years trying to build these grail sets that they have now. 1st edition Tropicana TRK set, Artichoke Joe's, Nevada Club/Nevada Lodge, Fitzgeralds Reno, Normandie, the list goes on. Still many are trying to build sets one by one if they need to. I thought it was the coolest thing to see people building sets when I hopped on this site. I've strayed away from buying singles, although I still do, but the sets have grabbed me and there are so so so many I'd love to have.

I believe we all own pieces of gaming history. I'm not sure what the general public thinks about it if they were to see a set of chips all from the same place, but like I said I would be interested. Knowing the value of these chips and how they've grown in the last year or two with lockdowns and people finding this hobby or other causes has made things more exciting. I'd hope that is the way that it has been, others have seen things they'd love to one day own and have felt a sense of sadness that they might not ever actually own something like it. Only time will tell what sets or chips come onto the market in the future. Some sets may be kept for ages and passed down to kids or relatives and others will get sold to people like us on sites like this or Facebook marketplace, Craigslist, eBay and more.

Sorry for going on and on, but this stuff was on my mind and I wanted to get it out. If anyone actually reads this, I appreciate you and I would love to see @leo822's idea flourish. I am going to try my best to help him out as much as I can. Of course keeping my videos and own stuff as the main priority.

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I thought long and hard about wasting my 500th post on this, but what the hell... This is PCF, after all:

Chipped beef.

Sorry, @leo822... I couldn't resist.

On a serious note, great post and great perspective. Given the finite resource that GPI-produced chips represent, I think I would have a hard time murdering them (even the NAGB chips - once they're gone, they're gone. At least until the next NAGB... :ninja:) I would like to also add a disclaimer: I am hereby reserving the right to become a hypocrite in the future.

So... Who's up for murdering a bunch of CPCs? ;)
Weird, I thought the Chip Museum was at @Windwalker's house? :cool
Pretty sure his chip museum rivals any and all other ones. I know he has become pretty private about new acquisitions for reasons I won’t speculate on. But if we can get him on board with this I think we could give the MOGH a true run for it’s money. Hell if someone gave me a quarter million I could give them a real run for their money.
I did notice the lack of recognition of a certain villain, nor a pre emptive damage control pr post from said “chipper” who has probably had more effect on singles as told in your narrative than anyone. And they’re not in a closet, it’s a reldom. Yeeeeeeeesssss.
I did notice the lack of recognition of a certain villain, nor a pre emptive damage control pr post from said “chipper” who has probably had more effect on singles as told in your narrative than anyone. And they’re not in a closet, it’s a reldom. Yeeeeeeeesssss.
I did notice the lack of recognition of a certain villain, nor a pre emptive damage control pr post from said “chipper” who has probably had more effect on singles as told in your narrative than anyone. And they’re not in a closet, it’s a reldom. Yeeeeeeeesssss.

For the record I don’t think there is anything wrong with collecting sets and Krish is not doing anything any of us wouldn’t do had we the time and resources. Just feel like there should be a bigger effort by the CCA to produce a museum than what they have now… which is not much. Less emphasis on edgespots and more on historical perspective would only be good for the hobby. Sometimes the most boring looking chip has the coolest lineage to gambling history…if you know what to look for. Picked this up recently, and thanks to one of Oscar’s video I made the connection. Nothing earth shattering but just cool.

For the record I don’t think there is anything wrong with collecting sets and Krish is not doing anything any of us wouldn’t do had we the time and resources. Just feel like there should be a bigger effort by the CCA to produce a museum than what they have now… which is not much. Less emphasis on edgespots and more on historical perspective would only be good for the hobby. Sometimes the most boring looking chip has the coolest lineage to gambling history…if you know what to look for. Picked this up recently, and thanks to one of Oscar’s video I made the connection. Nothing earth shattering but just cool.

View attachment 925294
Eye Roll
I’m known to be good at photoshop too Dan.

Very interesting, especially how set collectors have changed the game. What scares me is milling and murder.
This is true. The advent of easily available inlay printing has added an option that has made many chips, that were previously not that interesting, become of interest to more people. There's no stopping it now. I've actually warmed up to the idea of chip murder after seeing a bunch of very creative new chips that were even better than the original ones.

Good luck @leo822 on the endeavors. The key to any project is a good leader with a vision and attracting the right folks who share the vision and can collaborate/cooperate to make it come out to a good place.

I see equal advantage to there being a record of history AND these cheques being used in home games for their true and original purpose.
1) Your distinction between Rare and Scarce is an important one. Thanks for discussing that.

2) Please make that black logo background transparent on your site… It looks like an early HTML site from 1997. Or do away with the logo entirely—the name of the site is given in white text redundantly below it.

there is a ton of chip murder happening anyway, just have to hope it is not on historical/rare chips.

3) I just don’t see much murdering of rare chips here. A lot of it seems to target fantasy and BOAT chips, or sets/racks sold by the hundreds of thousands by The Chip Room. (My custom set, all inlay replaced, fits those parameters.

Obviously there are exceptions.

4) A serious chip museum would also showcase the awesomeness of playable sets, not just singles. I don’t think one can fully appreciate the beauty of chips without seeing multiple barrels of 4-5 different denoms arrayed next to each other on felt.
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