It would be an interesting river spot, with the history. Results aside, there are problems with this hand. You put yourself in a spot to bet 500bb with one pair and a stack to pot ratio of 20 on the flop. With the flop overbet and your continued action you are correct that your hand is face up as either AK or aces. These hands are the same if shoved on. To your advantage is villain probably does not expect you to fold.
I wonder if he shoves a non-heart river. A better line for him Is raise turn, shove river. Interesting hand.
Yeah, overall I wasn't very comfortable with the way the hand played out. Not sure if I mentioned it earlier, but my intention was a pot sized bet on the flop, not an over-bet, I just miscounted the number of people in the hand by one. Regardless, I'm not sure it would have changed things much.
I think I was "saved" by the fact that Villain couldn't be sure I'd fold AA/AK to a shove. The truth is that I almost certainly would have (folded) to a shove, as backed up by
@MatB's multiple laughing emojis above. Right or wrong, my bet of $300 on the river was made (in part) to protect against a shove.
Wondering how much he would have bet if you had checked....... and if you would have called. And whether or not a check would have also generated a staring contest......
Had I checked the river, it certainly would have been interesting to see what he would have done given that his hand had some showdown value. If I check, does that reduce the likihood in his mind that I have AA/AK? If so, maybe he does check and try to win at showdown with top pair. Or would he still put me on AA/AK and think I was just scared of the heart? If so, how much would he have bet to try and get me to fold the better hand?
As far as what I would have called, anything up to $300 would have been a pretty quick snap call just given the pot size and circumstances. For a bets closer to the size of the pot ($500-700), it would have put a lot more pressure on me and I can't honestly say I know what I would have done (other than stare back at him).