I think that Scott hits it pretty damn close. If I put up some chips in a "dibs" sale at a good price and another chipper quick to the trigger gets them and one week later puts them out at a huge mark up, that is just BS. They never wanted the chips. They just bought them knowing they could flip a quick profit. When that happens, it just sucks. When it is all on
eBay, I don't see a problem really. The member selling the PCNY is trying to profit on these, but these chips are not wanted in the community much. There have been many on line for a long time, the secondaries are available in numbers and it's not a big deal in this case. We are all chippers, get emotional, and say things that we might like to forget. I remember suggesting that some guy get hit by a bus and Dave chilled me out. It was a case where I thought I had chips for a couple days only to learn that
@bentax1978 scooped them in a PM. It's all good and worked out.
It is also the way in which you conduct a sale. I think there has been quite a bit of uproar about sales since the Trops and Dannys threads came up. I've never met Jayson and hear he is a good guy, but the style of the sale just rubbed so many people wrong. If he had just bought all the chips from the source then listed what was available, there would have been no issues. The problem was created by the photos that were posted. It let everyone see what could have been available but many chips never came to market. In that way, many people surmised (myself included) that Jayson made a huge profit in cherry picked chips, cash or both. Without those photos, nobody would have known. Jayson was in a position to profit from flipping them and perhaps he did. Not a crime by any means, but perhaps he wasn't necessarily the Mother Teresa of chippers as some have suggested or running a group buy like
@justsomedude ran. He was just selling chips at what was probably a very nice profit in chips/cash. Again, not a crime but it rubs people wrong. I think this was the case. If the style of the sale were different, nobody (myself included) would have been giving H|Q crap publicly or in PMs among each other. After thinking about it a bit I've settled down regarding the flipping. It does disappoint me to know that there are some SPM tournament chips that seem to be just beyond my reach (less than 2 racks total) and I can't seem to get them and I've been looking for the T500s and T5000s a long time (forget the T25Ks, its a pipe dream). It's kind of like interviewing for a job you don't get...better to not know about it then to miss out.
No ill will for Jayson in this thread, just looking at it after the fact and making a statement about why people are frustrated.