12 star clay chips recomendable? (1 Viewer)


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Jul 8, 2020
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Hi, I'm new to this hobby and I'm looking for some nice clay or ceramic chips to buy 300 of as an upgrade to the cheap sticker chips I have rn. Does anybody have those 12 star clay chips? Are they recomendable? What would you say, arre the pros and cons of these chips?
These seem to be some kind of What’s called China Clay chip which are above entry level but not exactly top line chips. Other lines of similar composition are Majestics and Royals both offered by a vendor/ sponsor here named Apache Poker Chips. In my opinion both of Apache’s offerings are a cut above the examples you show here. China clay chips are a very good step up from plastic dice chips that won’t cost you an arm and a leg. Welcome and good luck.
Hi, I'm new to this hobby and I'm looking for some nice clay or ceramic chips to buy 300 of as an upgrade to the cheap sticker chips I have rn. Does anybody have those 12 star clay chips? Are they recomendable? What would you say, arre the pros and cons of these chips?View attachment 487632
Please post a link to the sales page. Those are most likely plastic injection-molded chips -- and very similar to your current cheap sticker chips. They are not clay.
I have those. A lot of them! I like them, their quality is about the same as majestics, milanos, ect, but I'm no expert so I can't say if they're above or below.

Beware of different versions! According to the small amount of info I've gathered there has been at least two different productions in different factories.

One version is thicker than the other (fits 19 instead of 20 in a rack), has a more papery feel to the labels, and has really sharp edges and can stand on edge just like Paulsons! The sharp edges are a pluss, but the papery labels suck and the thickness is of course an issue. This version tends to have edge spots all the way to the label, but I'm not sure if this is the true telltale sign. I have a bunch of samples of this version.

The other version (the one I have) has beveled edges just like majestics and milanos, really consistent width so the stacksizes all have equal heigh (unlike majestics and milanos), and textured labels. The edge spots do not reach the label on these.

The colors also slightly differ between versions.

I am not at home, but I think I might have some pictures to show the difference. If so I'll upload later.

Make sure to get samples, so you 1) know you like them and 2) know which versions you'll get. I had lengthy email conversations with several webshops before I finally got a set with all of the same version.

Please post a link to the sales page. Those are most likely plastic injection-molded chips -- and very similar to your current cheap sticker chips. They are not clay.
They are, from what I can tell, china clays. Whether or not that means they are plastic is of course another question :D but they come with the factory dust and really pop after being oiled, just like other CC:s.
I found the pictures. Top row is the thicker version with papery labels and sharp edges, bottom is the "standard CC-ish" version:

Here you can see the thicker version standing on edge. You can just about see that the white 1€ is an exception to the rule that this version has edge spots that reach the label:
Weighing the chips, and breaking a couple of those different versions through the spots will confirm plastic vs CC. Then take a match to 'em -- plastic will melt and catch fire, cc chips will melt and char (and often outright burn), but clay chips will be generally unaffected (they might soften).

Selling price is usually a giveaway clue, too.
I have those. A lot of them! I like them, their quality is about the same as majestics, milanos, ect, but I'm no expert so I can't say if they're above or below.

Beware of different versions! According to the small amount of info I've gathered there has been at least two different productions in different factories.

One version is thicker than the other (fits 19 instead of 20 in a rack), has a more papery feel to the labels, and has really sharp edges and can stand on edge just like Paulsons! The sharp edges are a pluss, but the papery labels suck and the thickness is of course an issue. This version tends to have edge spots all the way to the label, but I'm not sure if this is the true telltale sign. I have a bunch of samples of this version.

The other version (the one I have) has beveled edges just like majestics and milanos, really consistent width so the stacksizes all have equal heigh (unlike majestics and milanos), and textured labels. The edge spots do not reach the label on these.

The colors also slightly differ between versions.

I am not at home, but I think I might have some pictures to show the difference. If so I'll upload later.

Make sure to get samples, so you 1) know you like them and 2) know which versions you'll get. I had lengthy email conversations with several webshops before I finally got a set with all of the same version.

They are, from what I can tell, china clays. Whether or not that means they are plastic is of course another question :D but they come with the factory dust and really pop after being oiled, just like other CC:s.

Wow, thanks a lot for your detailed descreption, where did you order your chips?

Weighing the chips, and breaking a couple of those different versions through the spots will confirm plastic vs CC. Then take a match to 'em -- plastic will melt and catch fire, cc chips will melt and char (and often outright burn), but clay chips will be generally unaffected (they might soften).

Selling price is usually a giveaway clue, too.

Thanks for you tips, I'm gonna do that :) They sell them on www.poker-chips.eu for 0,36€ (0,41$) per chip
Wow, thanks a lot for your detailed descreption, where did you order your chips?
No worries.

I bought my first batch (and later an add-on) from http://www.pokerimarketti.com/ back when you still actually got chips from them after paying them money. Apparently they no longer send you anything after you pay, at least last I heard. I got a good deal and paid about 0.25€ per chip. I got 1€, 5€, 25€ and €100, and a roll each of 500€ and 1000€ for fun. The 25€, 500€ and 1000€ were the version with the papery label. For me it was a bit tilting that the 25€ stacks where about a half chip taller than the rest. :-(

Then I realized I needed tons and tons of 5€ for my game and turned to https://www.pokershop.dk/shop/12-star-clay-450c1.html (since my eastern friend had stopped replying I turned south). When getting samples I got different versions of the 5€, and also "the correct" version of the 25€. So it was from them I learned about the different versions. We emailed back and forth and I had them photograph the chips before shipping so I could be sure I got "my" version. I was happy to not only add more 1 and 5, but also replace all my 25€.

I still "needed" more 1€ but I had bought all of the Danes' "correct" 1€ chips, so I turned to https://www.pokerchips.nl . I once again had them send pictures before ordering.
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Can't make a real recommendation unless we know your (approximate) budget, what type of games/stakes you play, and how you came to the conclusion that you need 300 chips.

300 of those chips are in my budget, I wouldn't mind paying more, but If I like the chips I don't need to :). I'd probably play regular texas hold'em with about 5 players on average (sometimes a few more). I own a set of 300 sticker chips and so far 300 were enough for me :)
300 of those chips are in my budget, I wouldn't mind paying more, but If I like the chips I don't need to :). I'd probably play regular texas hold'em with about 5 players on average (sometimes a few more). I own a set of 300 sticker chips and so far 300 were enough for me :)

What I meant to say was we don't know the structure of the game you play.

A) If it's a cash game, we need to know your blinds, how much money people buy in for, and the total amount of money on the table at the end of the night on your biggest game

B) If it's a tournament game, we need to know the tournament stack, starting blinds, how many players and average number of rebuys per tournament.

If the answer is A, then 300 chips might be a little short depending on how many players and how loose they are with reloading cash on the table. It may be doable for most 5-handed games, if you're careful with the distribution among denominations (you will probably need at least 3).

If the answer is B, then 300 chips may be enough (even for up to 10 people), depending on the particulars. A 6-player max game might even be able to be done with as little as 200 chips, which might allow to you upgrade.
I'm looking for some nice clay
Just to be clear, these are not clay chips (like Paulson, CPC, or any of those that are no longer in business). These are china clays (CC), which as far as I am aware are some sort of plastic mix with a bit of clay in it.

So while they might be "nice clay" for most people, they are not "nice clay" for the scrub donkey degenerates here at PCF. I am not elite enough to enjoy "nice clay", so I have settled for CC chips: Milanos for tournament and 12-star for cash. I like both :-) but they don't compare to Paulsons or CPCs.

sticker chips
These have stickers, referred to by me as "labels" in my post. Nice clay chips have inlays, while CC chips and plastic chips have labels.

To be able to judge if this will be an upgrade or not, may I ask which chips you currently own?

Also, which breakdown are you considering?
What I meant to say was we don't know the structure of the game you play.

A) If it's a cash game, we need to know your blinds, how much money people buy in for, and the total amount of money on the table at the end of the night on your biggest game

B) If it's a tournament game, we need to know the tournament stack, starting blinds, how many players and average number of rebuys per tournament.

If the answer is A, then 300 chips might be a little short depending on how many players and how loose they are with reloading cash on the table. It may be doable for most 5-handed games, if you're careful with the distribution among denominations (you will probably need at least 3).

If the answer is B, then 300 chips may be enough (even for up to 10 people), depending on the particulars. A 6-player max game might even be able to be done with as little as 200 chips, which might allow to you upgrade.

tbh I don't really now the diffrence between a tournament and cash game. Me and my friends are relatively new to this game, most of them play very loose. So far we've been playing with fixed blinds, but we want to try out diffrent blind stuctures and diffrent chip breakdowns & denomanations (we don't play for real money))

Just to be clear, these are not clay chips (like Paulson, CPC, or any of those that are no longer in business). These are china clays (CC), which as far as I am aware are some sort of plastic mix with a bit of clay in it.

So while they might be "nice clay" for most people, they are not "nice clay" for the scrub donkey degenerates here at PCF. I am not elite enough to enjoy "nice clay", so I have settled for CC chips: Milanos for tournament and 12-star for cash. I like both :) but they don't compare to Paulsons or CPCs.

These have stickers, referred to by me as "labels" in my post. Nice clay chips have inlays, while CC chips and plastic chips have labels.

To be able to judge if this will be an upgrade or not, may I ask which chips you currently own?

Also, which breakdown are you considering?

I have this cheap set rn

I'm not sure what chip breakown and which denomations I want. The set I have rn, has the values 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100 so far we've been playing with fixed blinds at 5 and 10 or 10 and 20, but I also want to try out diffrent blind stuctures. I like the idea of having 25, 100, 500 and 1000 as it makes doubling the blinds easier, but I' not sure yet. As I saw, you have a lot of 1s and 5s of those chips, with what blind structure do you play?
If you're not playing for real money, you're not really playing real poker. If nothing is at stake when you lose, then there are no negative consequences for poor play decisions.

And real poker is all about making correct decisions and getting your opponent(s) to make bad decisions..... with real consequences.
I agree with BG here in that in order to play with real circumstances something has to be at risk. Even in the smallest amounts it will change the way cards are played. Small money tournaments may be your best venue to getting some realism into your game. Or cash game for stakes that are relative to your income. I know a buddy of mine who I used to play heads up tournament style for a dollar a game and it was the hardest dollar either of us ever earned.
tbh I don't really now the diffrence between a tournament and cash game.
You can find out a lot by googling the interwebz, but in short:

Cash game: You play with real money. If you bet 5€, that's 5 euros that you could have used to buy a beer.

Tournament: You pay when joining, and that's all you can lose (except if the tournament allows for rebuys and/or add-ons). It could be 1€ or $10000 like the WSOP main event. Everyone gets a starting stack with chips that do not have a cash value. Think of them as tournament points. When they are gone you are out. The top finishers get money. Since you can't lose more than your buy-in, it's more "noob-friendly" than a cash game.

I like the idea of having 25, 100, 500 and 1000

For a tournament, me too. If you're max 1 table and you start with 5000 or 10000 each, than that's all you need. If more than 1 table and/or larger starting stacks and/or you allow rebuys, than some 5000 would come in handy.

As I saw, you have a lot of 1s and 5s of those chips, with what blind structure do you play?
Cash game with a Small Blind of 1 kr and a Big Blind of 2 kr. We discard the euro symbol. ;)

My advice is that before you purchase anything you should read up on cash games vs tournaments and on breakdowns of chip sets. And get samples of the chips you like! :-)
You can find out a lot by googling the interwebz, but in short:

Cash game: You play with real money. If you bet 5€, that's 5 euros that you could have used to buy a beer.

Tournament: You pay when joining, and that's all you can lose (except if the tournament allows for rebuys and/or add-ons). It could be 1€ or $10000 like the WSOP main event. Everyone gets a starting stack with chips that do not have a cash value. Think of them as tournament points. When they are gone you are out. The top finishers get money. Since you can't lose more than your buy-in, it's more "noob-friendly" than a cash game.

For a tournament, me too. If you're max 1 table and you start with 5000 or 10000 each, than that's all you need. If more than 1 table and/or larger starting stacks and/or you allow rebuys, than some 5000 would come in handy.

Cash game with a Small Blind of 1 kr and a Big Blind of 2 kr. We discard the euro symbol. ;)

My advice is that before you purchase anything you should read up on cash games vs tournaments and on breakdowns of chip sets. And get samples of the chips you like! :)

Alright thanks a lot, I'm gonna order a hand full of those 12 star chips on poker-chips.eu and try em out :)
I got myself some samples. Some of them were pretty nice, others had very cheap labels or even cracks on the side.
I got 6 €500 today as sample and they are different each and every one. Pretty consistent on diameter but mold patterns are changing in depth and shrinkage on the edge marks.. Oh boy.. But they feel sooooo nice though compared to the cheap claysmith (mint, bluff, knights). I got my sample from pokershop.dk

Anybody in Europe that has an idea if these can still be bought online ? Still looking for some € 1's.

Most shops who sold them in the past (pokerchips.nl/pokershop.dk/4aces-poker.de) have sold out..

Thank you

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