Canceled 1220 or 500 TRK Kings Crown cash set (1 Viewer)

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I’m willing to split off a smaller portion of this set if someone wants a playable set of TRK chips.

Smaller set option is:
140 $1’s
190 $5’s
110 $25’s
60 $100’s

500 chips total.

Set is playable for 6-7 players of $1/1 or $1/2. Plenty of big chips for a deep game. Add a rack or 2 of $5’s down the road to increase playability.

Cost is $1750 with basic shipping in the US, insurance is extra. PPFF or add 3%.

It looks like I will be having games on a more regular basis again since I inherited yet another broken games player base (until I crush these players as well at least) so I may be keeping these after all. If someone has been thinking about pulling the trigger on these you need to decide quick. I will leave this open through this week, if they don’t sell by then I will keep them and put them into play at my next game.
I want to pull the trigger on getting the rest of the chips for my custom label Paulson project and to do so I want to move these.

Final price drop, $3700 shipped in the US for all 1220 chips!!! That’s pretty much $3/chip shipped.

I’ll consider selling by the full rack for $300 per rack plus shipping but the entire set must be sold to for this option to happen.
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