For Sale (200) TRK Nevada Club Reno $5s (1 Viewer)

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Think he means these Brie.
I bought that set... very used chips and very dirty, but totally agree if they don't sell. I may try to find another $1 chip for the Pick Hobson's and build that one... but finding $25s is a tough task!!
... He wouldn’t let me pay ANYthing!

Thanks Ben!
I have to say I am surprised if this is the first time a chipper has given you something. Our community is amazing and I have received many chips absolutely free!! Also had the pleasure of giving some to people in need! The first time it happened I was taken back that they didn't want anything. But once you get a strong base to your collection there is truly no better feeling than knowing you helped a fellow chipper! As I always say, you never know when could be a week or 5 years but when the time comes just pay it forward!! Hope everyone is staying safe out there!! Fellow Chipper Ben
I have to say I am surprised if this is the first time a chipper has given you something. Our community is amazing and I have received many chips absolutely free!! Also had the pleasure of giving some to people in need! The first time it happened I was taken back that they didn't want anything. But once you get a strong base to your collection there is truly no better feeling than knowing you helped a fellow chipper! As I always say, you never know when could be a week or 5 years but when the time comes just pay it forward!! Hope everyone is staying safe out there!! Fellow Chipper Ben

Oh, not the first time. The real collector in my house is my 10-year old Josie, and PCFers have been especially generous with them. And we are generous right back whenever the opportunity presents itself.
Still, I never expect it. :-)
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