Not Mine 2000 Paulson Chips $900 (1 Viewer)

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Isn't this the same as "flipping"? Buying casino chips in hopes they increase in value for future profits?

Jokes aside, the horseshoe chips are going to be destroyed otherwise, if nobody buys them. That's not the case with eBay purchases.
It's against forum rules to call a member vulgar names.
I didn't see an objectionable tone or anything that could be construed as a "middle finger" until he had been called an asshole and told to choke on the chips at which point his response was entirely appropriate imo.
So it "rubbed people the wrong way" that he talked a bunch of shit to Dave after Dave called him an asshole and told him to choke on his chips? I guess he should have thanked Dave for his valuable opinion?
To people reading now it looks like @chkmte just totally flew off the handle at @BGinGA with little provocation when in reality Dave's initial post - pre-language policing - called the guy an asshole and told him to choke on the chips.
First of all, let me apologize for becoming cranky whenever I got called an asshole.

Just for the record (and the resident language nazi), I never called anybody any names, including asshole.

When called out (and not by me, mind you) on his admitted flipping policy, this guy posted that we "didn't understand", like some condescending know-it-all chip god.

I posted: "Oh, don't worry.... I understand it perfectly."

I also posted a LINK to a online dictionary definition. A frickin' LINK. Just so happens the definition fit my understanding of the situation, i.e. I find the blatant flipping and disregard for the welfare of the chipping community in general to be quite contemptible:
  1. a stupid, mean, or contemptible person.

And I posted my 'standard reply' to every predatory leech that tries to screw forum members out of chips with a profit motive: "I hope he chokes on 'em." -- which reflects my ultimate desire that their attempt to screw-your-neighbor backfires and leaves them with quantities of unsold chips that they didn't want in the first place, and only purchased with the ultimate goal to make them more expensive for those chipping community members who did/do want them.

But I certainly didn't call anybody any names. If y'all want to brand somebody who acts like a contemptible person an asshole, that's on you.
Just for the record (and the resident language nazi), I never called anybody any names, including asshole.

When called out (and not by me, mind you) on his admitted flipping policy, this guy posted that we "didn't understand", like some condescending know-it-all chip god.

I posted: "Oh, don't worry.... I understand it perfectly."

I also posted a LINK to a online dictionary definition. A frickin' LINK. Just so happens the definition fit my understanding of the situation, i.e. I find the blatant flipping and disregard for the welfare of the chipping community in general to be quite contemptible:

And I posted my 'standard reply' to every predatory leech that tries to screw forum members out of chips with a profit motive: "I hope he chokes on 'em." -- which reflects my ultimate desire that their attempt to screw-your-neighbor backfires and leaves them with quantities of unsold chips that they didn't want in the first place, and only purchased with the ultimate goal to make them more expensive for those chipping community members who did/do want them.

But I certainly didn't call anybody any names. If y'all want to brand somebody who acts like a contemptible person an asshole, that's on you.

Dave, in case you didn't see my post, I have no problem with what anything you said. I might disagree on principle, but I would certain defend the reasonableness of being free to say it on this forum without worry that our souls will be corrupted by naughty words that make baby jesus sad.

But if your position is that posting a link to the definition of "asshole" in response to someone else's post is not calling them an asshole (REMOVED) then that makes you look ridiculous.
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