R.I.P. Contreras Landa. Sorry the rules don't allow you to be nominated in future. I wonder how that will affect voting for some sets going forward. Circus City has one more shot, or maybe it's also expired. Prolly need to note in writeups in future how many years of eligibility remain.
R.I.P. Contreras Landa. Sorry the rules don't allow you to be nominated in future. I wonder how that will affect voting for some sets going forward. Circus City has one more shot, or maybe it's also expired. Prolly need to note in writeups in future how many years of eligibility remain.
I thought they could come back after x years. Can't remember what @Mr Tree wrote
^^^^^thisAfter losing for 3 straight years, a set loses eligibility for 1 year. After that, they have 2 more shots before permanent ineligibility. If they are on their final year of eligibility, it would be so noted.
To exacerbate everyone's future FOMO and deep regret, just a reminder that the Silver Dust BCCs were one of the times Mark generously offered, in conjunction with his sample set thread here, to let anyone order a full set of those chips at the time of his purchase for $1 per chip!
Can you imagine not taking him up on that offer? I can because, like a dumbass, I ordered zero. For $1 per chip I could have had a massive limit set with those beautiful black $1s. Only one of us was smart enough to buy a decent sized set - StarmanXL5 (though another user did buy a small 200-chip set).
Regrets, I've had a few...
After losing for 3 straight years, a set loses eligibility for 1 year. After that, they have 2 more shots before permanent ineligibility. If they are on their final year of eligibility, it would be so noted.
Will the 4 vote buffer be enough to see Iron Bank make the cut?
If this was an episode of GoT, Iron Bank, Steel City and Everleigh are about to be raped and killed on their wedding day. And Clermont will surge into 3rd by gaining 23+ votes in the final hour.
I also wonder how relationships skew people's perceptions of sets in the voting booth.
Too late for a Steel City resurgence..?
Primary and secondary, baby!
#1 Steel City Club - IMHO this is one of the best custom sets ever. Very cool theme with a simple but excellently designed inlay - slightly different inlay on either side, one with the denomination and one with the iron worker. The mold selection is perfect for the theme, looks like steel rivets from a distance or sparks up close. Beautiful use of BCC colors throughout with good edge spot progression and colors that both mix well, don't repeat a lot and are distinguishable in a pot; love the 100s, 500s & 1000s, not a bad chip in the bunch. And baller status for having primary/secondary chips for the 25s & 100s and in terms of chip volume. BCC at it's finest. Voted for this set in years past as well, hoping this year it gets its due.
Not sure I can agree with this assessment. If we were a bunch of easily-impressed teenagers, maybe.... but I think the vast majority here look and evaluate the sets on their merits, not their owners. I'd sure hope so, anyway.I would say it factors heavily (for the most part, and definitely not in every case) even if people say it doesn't.
ding ding ding! Love that set/design. Can't stand Bart. j/kAlso, wish Bart's was getting more love. One of the most perfect retro sets ever imo.
Not sure I can agree with this assessment. If we were a bunch of easily-impressed teenagers, maybe.... but I think the vast majority here look and evaluate the sets on their merits, not their owners. I'd sure hope so, anyway.
Not sure I can agree with this assessment. If we were a bunch of easily-impressed teenagers, maybe.... but I think the vast majority here look and evaluate the sets on their merits, not their owners. I'd sure hope so, anyway.
I would hope so as well, but I'm with 12th man in thinking that it does have some influencing factor, in particular with those that don't put a lot of thought into their votes. Why do I think this?
- A set that you've played on will stick in your memory more than a set only seen in pics.
- A set you've played on probably has positive memories connected to it, unless the host was a complete douche (which would still be an influencing factor).
- Lighting in photos can hurt some of the brilliant colors of chips. Viewing a chip you've played on probably looks perfect because your brain can adjust for lighting.
- Your friend poured his heart and soul into the design, and then backed that love up with a couple thousand dollars. How heartless would you have to be to tell them "meh". It's like telling a parent their "brilliant" child is just average.
I think another influence is the level and type of exposure that the PCF community have to a set over time. A number of these sets only come out at voting time, so there is no real attachment. Granted that the owner may no longer be on PCF to stump for their set, but it is a factor I think. If they don't feature regularly in 'splash pot', 'starting stack', 'home games' or 'gratuitous, unsolicited, and random pron shoot' threads throughout the year, they can get lost in the mists of time. If the owner is respected, and an active participant and contributor over time, then that will have some influence as well. If PCF members are playing on some of these sets, maybe they need to get on and say, "Hey, I just played with the 'XXX' set, and it still rocks etc... here are some pics!" This regular activity shows that the owner is using them, they are being enjoyed and are getting runs on the board.
Of course, I was just thinking of a few of the others that I personally haven't had any exposure to. Most haven't had it I guess, but it was just a thought.Except for the fact that the three sets leading the poll in this thread have gotten very little exposure in pr0n, splash pot, starting stack, live stack, etc. threads.
Not long now! Get those late votes in! Make custom poker chips great again!
People should do whatever makes them happy when building their custom sets, and if secondary chips do it for you, great. But to me, it just makes a set confusing, and a little harder to wrap my brain around, especially in an "evaluate and compare" situation like this.
We need to come up with a commemorative 'year of the toad' chip. (y) :thumbsup: