@krafticus for running the most epic league I've ever been a part of, to watch it grow and evolve over the years has been amazing.
@Cliff (I knew I forgot somebody) for being a great guy, and also for helping along with Krafty to introduce me to the wonderful world of chipping! my wallet hates you though
@MikesDad and
@Highli99 for their fantastic hosting abilities and fun games
@jbutler for your love of Billy Joel
@GrumpyCatMalaka for all the great beers you bring with you to DCS, speaking of
@courage for hosting DCS, one of the Big 3 meetups with phenomenal chips and even better people
@H|Q also for the great chips, and helping out Chris, and the toffee
@Mr Tree for hosting at the Hitching Post, also with epic chips and great people
@bergs and
@Chicken Rob for hosting BBotB, which was where I met so many of you fine people
@iBetOnEverything for scratchies and BLL
@guinness for all the great degen stories
@onerand and
@MatB for their general degenness
@JoseRijo for your ironing and sock folding proficiency, as well as your fondness for beets
@PhilLaFond for the Pappys
@Toby for his great designs and fantastic sense of humour
@Johnny5 for his fantastic work on my Nirvana and Haus of Bluff sets
@kirchhausen for not swallowing me in the womb
and everyone else for just being you!